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Okoljevarstvene zahteve in zakonodajno okolje narekujeta velike spremembe v mobilnosti, ki bodo v prihajajočih letih močno povečale delež hibridnih ter predvsem električnih vozil. Ena glavnih razlik teh pogonov v primerjavi s konvencionalnimi je drugačen način delovanja, kot je nenadna prekinitev in zagon motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem pri hibridnih vozilih, ali celo njegova popolna odsotnost pri električnih vozilih. Vse te razlike v načinu delovanja, kot tudi odsotnost določenih komponent in prisotnost drugih, pa pri električnih pogonih ustvarjajo drugačne zahteve glede maziv in mazanja in postavljajo v ospredje druge karakteristike delovanja in lastnosti maziv. Tako so v takih sistemih bolj kritične lastnosti maziv, ki se jim do sedaj zaradi uporabe v pogonih z motorji z notranjim zgorevanjem ni posvečalo posebne pozornosti. Vse to bo v prihodnjih letih vodilo v razvoj novih in namensko prilagojenih maziv s specifičnimi lastnostmi za električne pogone. Environmental requirements and regulatory environments call for major changes in mobility, which will significantly increase the share of both hybrid and especially electric vehicles in the coming years. One of the main differences between these types of drives compared to the conventional ones is a different mode of operation, such as the sudden stop and start of the internal combustion engine in hybrid vehicles, or even its complete absence in electric vehicles. All these differences in the mode of operation, as well as the absence of certain components and the presence of others in electric drives, create different requirements for lubricants and lubrication, and put different performance characteristics and properties of lubricants in the foreground. Therefore, in such systems the properties of lubricants are more critical, to which no special attention has been paid so far due to their use in internal combustion engine drives. In the coming years, this will lead to development of new and purposefully adapted lubricants with specific properties for electric drives. |