Zavetišče za zavržene rastline / Festival Zavetišča za zavržene rastline

Autor: Hanžek, Eva Jera
Přispěvatelé: Grafenauer, Petja, Kariž, Žiga
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: V prvem delu naloge raziskujeva odnos med človekom in rastlino v Zahodnem svetu, in kako se je ta skozi zgodovino spreminjal, vse do današnjega časa. Zaradi vpliva ekološke in družbene krize ter znanstvenih odkritij je odnos med rastlinami in človekom privedel do diskurza, ki upošteva rastline kot živa bitja z določenimi pravicami, ki jih je treba upoštevati. Odnos do rastlin se izkazuje tudi v udomačevanju okrasnih rastlin, ki mu posvetiva poglavje. Nato se bolj podrobno usmeriva na sodobne teorije, ki govorijo o preseganju ločnic med naravo in kulturo ter na sodobne participatorne umetnostne prakse, ki se gibljejo med družbenim, socialnim, ekološkim in umetnostnim poljem. V osrednjem delu se posvetiva igri in modelom igre v umetnosti. Modeli igre, ki jih prevzemava, jih razvijava in si jih izmišljava avtorici projekta Zavetišče za zavržene rastline (Zavetišče) v sodelovanju z udeleženci, so eden od ključnih elementov delovanja projekta. Skozi predstavitev manifesta in analizo koncepta delovanja Zavetišča ter nekaterih pomembnejših projektov raziščeva na kakšen način se poslužujeva igre pri interakciji z gledalcem, ki v večini primerov ni več zgolj gledalec, temveč aktivni udeleženec oziroma soigralec. Včasih uvajava le rahlo modificirana pravila, ki ne spadajo v svet, v katerega s projektom vstopava ter s tem ustvarjava ‘svet igre’, ki ves čas prehaja med dvema realnostma. Osredotočiva se na igro kot umetniško strategijo, vlogo umetnic kot ‘vodij in režiserk’ igre, ter na različne vrste participacije udeležencev v projektu. V zaključnem delu primerjava umetniške prakse Zavetišča s sorodnimi projekti, v katerih ima rastlina bolj ali manj osrednjo vlogo. Nekaj pozornosti nameniva risbi, ki je pomembna praksa in sestavni del večine dejavnosti Zavetišča ter predstavlja enega od načinov, ki se v projektu uporabljajo za povezovanje z rastlinami. Na koncu opredeliva še glavne vidike delovanja Zavetišča pri povezovanju umetnosti in ekologije ter vzpostavljanja drugačnega odnosa do rastlin, okolja in povezovanja skupnosti. In the first part of the MA thesis we explore the human-plant relationship in the Western world and how it has been changing throughout the history to this day. Due to the influence of the ecological and social crisis and new scientific discoveries, the relationship between plants and humans has led to a discourse, which considers plants as living beings with certain rights to be taken into account. The relationship towards plants is also manifested in the domestication of potted plants, a topic addressed in one of the chapters. In more details we direct our focus to contemporary theories that put emphasis on transcending the boundaries between nature and culture and also on contemporary participatory artistic practices extending among social, ecological and artistic fields. In the central part of the Thesis we focus on the game and game models in art. The game models that the authors of the Abandoned Plants Sanctuary (the Sanctuary) appropriate, develop and make up in cooperation with the participants are one of the key elements of the project's operation. Through the presentation of the Sanctuary’s manifesto and the analysis of the concept of the Sanctuary’s operation as well as through some of the more important projects we investigate how the concept of the game is used in the interaction with the viewer, who in most cases is no longer just a passive observer, but an active participant. By occasionally introducing only slightly modified rules that do not belong in the world we are entering in with this project, we create a "game world" that constantly traverses between two realities. We focus on the game as an artistic strategy, on the role of the two artists as the game “leaders and directors”, as well as on various forms of participation of those taking part in the project. Further on in the Thesis we compare the art practice of the Sanctuary with such art projects in which the plant plays a more or less central role. Our attention is devoted to the drawing, which represents an important practice and a constitutive part of most of the Sanctuary’s activity and is also one of the means in the project used to connect with plants. We conclude the Thesis by defining the main aspects of the operation of the Sanctuary in connecting art and ecology and establishing a different attitude towards plants, environment and a novel inter-connection in a community.
Databáze: OpenAIRE