Popis: |
Diplomsko delo opisuje promocijski video od ideje promocijskega videa do opisa. Nadaljuje se z glavnim igralcem v promocijskem videu, njegovimi sposobnostmi in karakteristikami. Nadalje z izbiranjem lokacije snemanja – katere so primerne lokacije, da bo posnetek čim bolj urbano usmerjen. Sledijo tehnični postopki – od uvoza posnetkov v program in same montaže, nato sledi postprodukcija, kateri efekti so bili dodani v video, na kakšen način so bili dodani in kakšne nastavitve imajo posamezni efekti. Zapisani so tudi končni formati, v katerih lahko video izvozimo. The thesis describes the promotional video from the idea to the promotional video description. The thesis continues with the main actor in the promotional video, his abilities and characteristics. Choosing the location of the recording and suitable locations that have to be urban oriented. Next, technical procedures of importing video into the program itself and the assembly followed by post-production, where effects have been added in the video, how they have been added and which individual effects settings were used, are described. Final formats in which video can be exported, are written. |