Izračun površinskega odtoka z zgornjega dela porečja Dravinje

Autor: Mešl, Matej
Přispěvatelé: Šraj, Mojca
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Dimenzioniranje različnih hidrotehničnih objektov, načrtovanje, upravljanje z vodami, ipd., vse to zahteva poznavanje konic visokovodnih valov in v nekaterih primerih tudi celotnega hidrograma. Če imamo na voljo meritve (npr. pretoki, padavine) lahko zakonitosti spreminjanja pretokov ugotovimo z večjo zanesljivostjo. V primerih, ko meritev ni, oziroma jih je premalo, pa si pomagamo z različnimi hidrološkimi modeli ali s preprostimi empiričnimi enačbami. V diplomski nalogi smo za zgornji del porečja Dravinje (do vodomerne postaje Zreče) izdelali hidrološki model s programskim orodjem HEC-HMS ter model umerili na podlagi meritev. Za določitev topografskih značilnosti porečja smo uporabili programsko orodje SAGA-GIS. Na podlagi značilnosti porečja smo določili parametre posameznih metod hidrograma enote (HE). Za najustreznejšo metodo se je izkazala Clarkova metoda. Z uporabo različnih porazdelitvenih funkcij smo izračunali rezultate verjetnostnih analiz. Za primerjavo s hidrološkim modelom smo izbrali logaritemsko normalno porazdelitev, ker se je najbolje prilegala merjenim podatkom. Eden izmed glavnih podatkov hidrološkega modela je koeficient Curve Number (CN), ki opisuje padavinske izgube za izbrano porečje. Izbrana Clarkova metoda HE vsebuje parametra čas koncentracije Tc in akumulacijski koeficient R. Tako pri umerjanju, kot pri validaciji modela, smo izbrali po 3 padavinske dogodke različnih magnitud. Izkazalo se je, da smo na podlagi umerjanja in validiranega hidrološkega modela dobili primerljive rezultate s predhodno izračunanimi parametri na podlagi teoretičnih enačb. S pomočjo podatkov o ITP in Huffovih krivuljah smo določili projektne padavinske dogodke z 10-, 50-, 100-letno povratno dobo ter z uporabo umerjenega in validiranega modela izračunali tudi projektne pretoke, ki smo jih primerjali z rezultati verjetnostnih analiz. Modelsko določeni projektni pretoki so nekoliko večji kot pretoki izračunani z verjetnostnimi analizami. Designing various hydrotechnical structures, planning, water management etc. require the knowledge of the peak discharge values and hydrographs. If measurements (discharge and precipitation) are available we can determine basic hydrological concepts and properties with greater reliability. In cases when measurements are not available or measurement period is relatively short, we can use different hydrological models or simple empirical equations for previously mentioned purpose. In this graduation thesis, a hydrological model using the HEC-HMS software was developed for the upper part of the Dravinja river basin (up to the Zreče water gauging station) and it was calibrated using measured discharge data. The software SAGA-GIS was used to determine the topographic characteristics of the basin. On the basis of the characteristics of the basin we determined the parameters of the the unit hydrograph (UH) methods. Clark UH method proved to be the most appropriate method for the investigated basin. Using different distribution functions, the results of flood frequency analysis were calculated. For comparison with the hydrological model, the logarithmic normal distribution was chosen because it gave the best fit to the measured data. One of the main parameters of the hydrological model is the Curve Number (CN) coefficient, which describes the precipitation losses for the selected river basin. The selected Clark UH method contains time of concentration Tc and the accumulation coefficient R parameters. Thus, during the calibration process three runoff events of different magnitudes were chosen. The calibrated model parameters were additionally validated using three different runoff events. It turned out that on the basis of the calibrated and validated hydrological model, we obtained comparable results with previously calculated parameters using the theoretical equations. Using the intenstity-duration-frequency (IDF) and Huff curves, design precipitation events were determined for a 10-, 50-, 100-year return period. Applying the calibrated and validated model design discharge values were calculated and compared with the results of the flood frequency analysis. Design discharge values obtained using the design rainfall events are slightly larger than the design discharge values calculated using the flood frequency analysis approach.
Databáze: OpenAIRE