Zasnova tekstilnih izdelkov po umetniškem opusu Ivana in Helene Vurnik

Autor: Lesar, Ela
Přispěvatelé: Jenko, Marija
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Diplomsko delo je nastalo v sodelovanju s Centrom arhitekture Slovenije kot del večjega projekta Vurnikovi dnevi in predstavlja poustvarjanje tekstilnih izdelkov po umetniškem opusu arhitekta Ivana Vurnika in slikarke Helene Vurnik. Teoretični del zajema raziskavo ustvarjalnega življenja zakoncev Vurnik. Z opazovanjem in likovnim dojemanjem njunega arhitekturnega, slikarskega in oblikovalskega opusa sem iskala navdihe za lastno ustvarjalno delo. Sledi predstavitev najrazličnejših nasprotij, ki sem jih raziskovala v delih zakoncev Vurnik in jih nato nosila v mislih skozi celoten ustvarjalni proces razvijanja diplomskega dela. Posebej so me navdušila nasprotja likovnih pristopov v arhitekturi in tekstilnem oblikovanju, znotraj posameznih področij in med njima. V prvem delu sem se osredotočila na iskanje detajlov, ki so me najbolj pritegnili, in na iskanje možnih povezav ali nasprotij med njimi. Teoretični del sem zaključila z opisom dveh tekstilnih tehnik, ki sem ju uporabila za izdelavo lastnih tekstilnih izdelkov, oblikovanih v ustvarjalnem delu diplomskega dela. Najprej sem predstavila ročno tehniko kvačkanja, ki spada med mehanske tekstilne tehnike, zatem še strojno tehniko digitalnega tiska celuloznih vlaken z reaktivnimi barvili. V eksperimentalnem in ustvarjalnem delu je predstavljen proces razvoja tekstilnih vzorcev, ki sem jih poustvarila po detajlih in izbranih slikovnih navdihih v umetniškem opusu zakoncev Vurnik. Iz osnovnih, preprostejših enot sem razvijala bolj kompleksne tekstilne vzorce in hkrati že razmišljala o izdelkih, kjer bom svoje izvirne vzorce lahko uporabila. Osrednji, ustvarjalni del diplomskega dela zaključim z načrtovanjem in izvedbo t. i. spalne celote, treh med seboj povezanih izdelkov: ročno kvačkane odeje, moške pižame in ženske spalne srajce. Razvoj in izvedbo izdelkov sem predstavila tudi s prikazom celotnega procesa od zamisli do izdelave teh izdelkov. The diploma thesis was created in collaboration with the Center of Architecture of Slovenia as part of a larger project Vurnikovi dnevi. It presents the recreation of textile products inspired by the work of architect Ivan Vurnik and paintress Helena Vurnik. The theoretical part includes research into the creative life of the Vurnik couple. By observing and visually perceiving their architectural, painting, and design opus, I sought inspiration for my creative work. This is followed by a presentation of the various contrasts that I explored in the works of the Vurnik couple and then carried in my mind throughout the creative process of developing the thesis. I was particularly fascinated by the contrasting artistic approaches in architecture and textile design, within the respective fields and between them. In the first part I focused on finding the details that attracted me the most, and on finding possible connections or contrasts between them. I concluded the theoretical part with a description of two textile techniques that I used to make my own textile products, designed in the creative part of the thesis. I first introduced the hand crochet technique, which belongs to the mechanical textile techniques, and then the machine technique of digital printing of cellulose fibres with reactive dyes. The experimental and creative part presents the process of development of textile patterns, which I have recreated according to details and selected visual inspirations in the artistic opus of the Vurnik couple. I developed more complex textile patterns from basic, simpler units, and at the same time, I was thinking about products where I could use my original patterns. I concluded the central, creative part of the thesis by designing and making a so-called sleepwear ensemble, three interconnected products: a hand-crocheted blanket, men's pajamas, and a woman's nightgown. I also presented the development and implementation of the products, showing the whole process from the idea to production.
Databáze: OpenAIRE