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Bakrene ploščice oziroma luske predstavljajo odlično polnilo za vzpostavitev električnih, mehanskih in ostalih lastnosti v polimernih nanokompozitih. V sklopu zaključne naloge smo tako določili vpliv volumskega deleža nanolusk na različne lastnosti prevodnih nanokompozitov. Pri mikroskopski analizi so rezultati pokazali, da je povprečna velikost obravnavanih lusk d_50=20 µm. Z rezultati reološke analize smo določiti geometrijski preplet lusk pri ?_(v,krit)=16,8%. Rezultati termične analize so pokazali, da luske nimajo velikega vpliva na morfološko urejenost matričnega materiala, saj se kristaliničnost pri dodajanju različnih koncentracij bakrenih lusk ne spremeni. Rezultati pri dinamični mehanski analizi so določili vpliv lusk na mehansko vedenje. Vrednost elastičnega modula pri vzorcu s 40 vol% in pri 20°C je 11,6-krat večja kot vrednost matričnega materiala, vrednost viskoznega modula pa 8,7-krat večja, kljub bistveno nespremenjeni krstaliničnosti nanokompozita. Copper plates or flakes are an excellent fillers for the establishment of electrical, mechanical and other properties in polymer nanocomposites. In the thesis the influence of the volume fraction of nanoflakes on various properties of conductive nanocomposites was determined. Microscopic analyses showed that the average size of the flakes was d_50=20 μm. The geometric percolation threshold was determined with rheological analysis at ϕ_(v,krit)=16,8%. Thermal analysis enabled determination of the influence of flake addition on the morphological arrangement of the matrix material. The results showed that the crystallinity did not change with increasing addition of copper flakes. The influence of the flakes on the mechanical behaviour was followed by dynamic mechanical analysis. The value of the elastic modulus for the sample with 40 vol% and at 20°C is 11.6 times higher than the value of the matrix material, and the value of the viscous modulus is 8.7 times higher, despite the substantially unchanged crystallinity of the nanocomposite. |