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Namen magistrske naloge je bil preveriti vpliv različnih podlag in hitrosti na biomehanske značilnosti teka ter znotraj tega oceniti občutljivost in zanesljivost komercialnega senzorja RunScribe™. V študiji je 24 tekačev izvajalo ponavljajoče se teke v dolžini 200 m na travnati, asfaltni in makadamski podlagi s predvideno tekmovalno hitrostjo teka na 21 km. Dodatno je bila na asfaltni podlagi opravljena meritev s predvideno tekmovalno hitrostjo teka na 5 km. Beležili smo kontaktni čas, čas leta, dolžino koraka, frekvenco koraka, zaviralni pospešek ob kontaktu s podlago in navpični pospešek ob kontaktu s podlago ter kot in kotno hitrost pronacije. Zajem podatkov med posameznima obiskoma se je ponovil v roku 7 do 10 dni. Zanesljivost meritev smo preverili z metodo ponovljenih obiskov. Za mere zanesljivosti se je uporabil koeficient variance (KV), standardna napaka meritve, medrazredni korelacijski koeficient (ICC 2,1 in 2,k) ter sistematični učinek (analiza variance za ponovljene meritve – stopnja statistične značilnosti, p < 0,05). Primerjavo med vrstami tekalne podlage in različnimi hitrostmi v izbranih biomehanskih parametrih smo preverili z dvosmernim t-testom za odvisne vzorce, kjer smo dodatno izračunali še velikost vpliva (Cohen-ov d). Vsi rezultati so bili interpretirani kot statistično značilni pri stopnji tveganja 5 %. Znotrajobiskovna zanesljivost je bila odlična za vse spremenljivke na tekmovalni hitrosti 21km (ICC: asfalt: 0,90 0,99 makadam: 0,94 1,00 trava: 0,92 1,00). Koeficient variacije je bil sprejemljiv v vseh pogojih (KV < 10 %). Medobiskovna zanesljivost je bila dobra ali visoka za vse obravnavane spremenljivke (ICC ≥ 0,85). Razlika v hitrosti teka ni statistično značilno vplivala na izbrane parametre (ES = 0,04 – 0,38). Testi občutljivosti med posameznimi podlagami so pokazali statistično značilne razlike in srednjo do visoko velikost učinka le pri nekaterih spremenljivkah. Na podlagi omejitev naše raziskave ne moremo ovrednotiti občutljivosti senzorja in stopnje veljavnosti meritev. Glede na ostale in našo študijo lahko zaključimo, da je senzor RunScribe™ zanesljiv pripomoček za ocenjevanje prostorsko-časovnih in kinematičnih parametrov ter osnovnih kinetičnih parametrov tehnike teka, vendar je vprašljiva njihova veljavnost. V prihodnje bo potrebno še bolj natančno raziskati občutljivost senzorja in veljavnost meritev v primerjavi z meritvami zlatega standarda. The purpose of the master's thesis was to check the influence of different surfaces and speeds on the biomechanical characteristics of running, and within this evaluate the sensitivity and reliability of the commercial RunScribe™ sensor. In the study, 24 runners performed repeated runs of 200 m on grass, asphalt and macadam surfaces at a predicted competitive speed of 21 km. In addition, a measurement was made on the asphalt surface with the predicted competitive speed of the 5 km run. Contact time, flight time, stride length, stride frequency, ground reaction braking force and vertical ground reaction force, as well as pronation angle and angular velocity were recorded. Data collection between individual visits was repeated within 7 to 10 days. The reliability of the measurements was checked using the method of repeated visits. Coefficient of variance (CV), standard error of measurement, interclass correlation coefficient (ICC 2,1 and 2,k) and systematic effect (analysis of variance for repeated measures – level of statistical significance, p < 0.05) were used as measures of reliability. Data from the first visit were used for sensitivity measures. The comparison between types of running surface and different speeds in the selected biomechanical parameters was checked with a two-way t-test for dependent samples, where we additionally calculated the effect size. All results were interpreted as statistically significant at a risk level of 5 %. Intra visit reliability was excellent for all variables at a competitive speed of 21 km (ICC: asphalt: 0.90 0.99 macadam: 0.94 1.00 grass: 0.92 1.00). The coefficient of absolute variation was acceptable in all conditions (KV < 10%). Inter visit reliability was good or high for all variables considered (ICC ≥ 0,85). The difference in running speed did not have a statistically significant effect on the selected parameter (ES = 0,04 – 0,38). Sensitivity tests between individual surfaces showed statistically significant differences and medium to high effect size for only a few parameters. However, based on the limitations of our research, we cannot evaluate the sensitivity of the sensor and the degree of validity of the measurements. Based on the others and our study, we can conclude that the RunScribe™ sensor is a reliable tool for evaluating spatio-temporal and kinematic parameters as well as basic kinetic parameters of running technique, but their validity is questionable. In the future, it will be necessary to investigate the sensitivity of the sensor and the validity of the measurements in comparison with the measurements of the gold standard. |