Primerjava kršitev človekovih pravic oseb LGBT v upravnih postopkih v Sloveniji in Italiji

Autor: Košec, Klavdija
Přispěvatelé: Kovač, Polonca
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Osebe LGBT v družbi veljajo za posebno družbeno skupino. V zadnjih sedemdesetih letih se je razširilo tako odobravanje oseb LGBT kot priznavanje njihovih (človekovih) pravic. Upravni postopki so najpogostejši postopki, v katere vstopajo tudi osebe LGBT v razmerju do oblastnih organov, zato nas v diplomskem delu zanima, kako pogosto prihaja do kršitev človekovih pravic oseb LGBT v upravnih postopkih. Namen je identificirati upravne postopke, v katerih prihaja do kršitev človekovih pravic oseb LGBT v Sloveniji, in za boljše razumevanje razsežnosti problematike kršitve primerjati s tovrstnimi kršitvami v Italiji. Najprej opravimo analizo poročil varuha človekovih pravic in zagovornika načela enakosti. Za boljše razumevanje statističnih podatkov in obravnavanih zadev z deležniki opravimo intervjuje, kamor vključimo tudi nevladno organizacijo Legebitra, ki skrbi za pravice oseb LGBT. Nato prek dostopnih poročil regionalnih varuhov v Italiji oblikujemo krovni prikaz kršitev v Italiji. Primerjamo še ureditev upravnega postopka pravne spremembe spola v Sloveniji in Italiji. Po proučitvi analiz poročil varuha človekovih pravic in zagovornika načela enakosti lahko zaključimo, da do kršitev človekovih pravic oseb LGBT prihaja, vendar so tovrstne pobude redke. Hkrati lahko opazimo, da se z regulacijo predpisov stanje izboljšuje, saj do kršitev ne prihaja zaradi urejenosti upravnih postopkov, pač pa zaradi materialnih predpisov, ki se pri tem uporabljajo. Regulacija (človekovih) pravic oseb LGBT v Sloveniji in Italiji se močno razlikuje, zaradi česar prihaja do težav pri primerjanju kršitev. Z diplomskim delom tako hkrati prikažemo občutne razlike med ureditvijo upravnih postopkov in človekovih pravic v Sloveniji in Italiji. LGBT people are considered a special social group in society. In the last seventy years, both the acceptance of LGBT people and the recognition of the (human) rights of these people have expanded. Since administrative procedures are the most common procedures in which LGBT individuals interact with the authorities, we were interested in how often violations of the human rights of LGBT people occur in administrative procedures. The aim was to identify the administrative procedures in which the human rights of LGBT people are violated and compare those violations to violations in Italy in order to better understand the scope of the violations. First, we analyzed the reports of the Human Rights Ombudsman and the Advocate of the Principle of Equality in Slovenia. For a better understanding of the statistical data and the issues discussed, we conducted interviews with the stakeholders, including the non-governmental organization Legebitra that advocates the rights of LGBT people. Based on the available reports of regional ombudsmen in Italy, we created an overview of violations in Italy. We also compared the regulations of the administrative procedures of legal sex change in Slovenia and Italy. After reviewing the analysis of the reports of the Human Rights Ombudsman and the Advocate of the Principle of Equality, we can conclude that human rights violations of LGBT people do occur, but such initiatives are rare. At the same time, we can see that the situation is improving with the regulation of the law. Violations do not occur due to the regulation of administrative procedures, but rather the material laws that are used in administrative procedures. The regulation of the (human) rights of LGBT individuals in Slovenia and Italy differs greatly, which makes it difficult to compare violations. With this diploma thesis, we demonstrate significant differences between the regulations of both administrative procedures and human rights in Slovenia and Italy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE