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Cilj magistrske naloge je bil opredeliti razumevanje družinske športne kulture in ugotoviti vpliv družinske športne kulture na ukvarjanje otrok s športom. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 16 intervjuvancev, ki so bili razdeljeni v dve skupini. V prvi skupini je bilo osem intervjuvancev, ki imajo športno aktivne otroke, v drugi skupini pa osem intervjuvancev, ki imajo športno neaktivne otroke in obiskujejo tretjo triado osnovne šole. V intervjuju je sodelovalo osem mater in osem očetov. V magistrski nalogi smo uporabili polstrukturirane intervjuje, ki so zajemali 12 vprašanj. Pred začetkom intervjuja smo pridobili ustrezno soglasje staršev, v katerem so bili seznanjeni s potekom intervjuja in namenom sodelovanja. Vsak intervju smo zvočno posneli, naredili transkripcijo, po tem pa odgovore analizirali s pomočjo kodiranja. Ugotovili smo, da družinska športna kultura vpliva na udejstvovanje otrok v športu. Pridobljeni rezultati potrjujejo, da se družinska športna kultura prenaša iz staršev na otroke, kar lahko poveča vključevanje otrok v šport. Ugotovili smo, da družina predstavlja primarno oblikovanje navad in življenjskega sloga, ki pa je odvisen od športne aktivnosti ali ne aktivnosti staršev. Sklepamo, da se bo način življenja, ki ga otroci pridobijo v družini, prenesel tudi v njihova kasnejša življenjska obdobja. The aim of this master's thesis was to define the understanding of family sports culture and to determine the influence of family sports culture on children's engagement in sports. The study included 16 interviewees divided into two groups. The first group consisted of eight interviewees with sporty active children, while the second group consisted of eight interviewees with sporty inactive children attending the third grade of primary school. Eight mothers and eight fathers participated in the interviews. Semi-structured interviews were used in the master's thesis, including 12 questions. Prior to the interview, appropriate parental consent was obtained, informing them of the interview process and purpose of participation. Each interview was recorded, transcribed, and analyzed by coding the responses. The results confirmed that family sports culture influences children's engagement in sports. The acquired results confirm that family sports culture is transmitted from parents to children, which can increase children's involvement in sports. The study revealed that the family represents the primary formative influence on habits and lifestyle, which is dependent on the sport activity or inactivity of parents. The conclusion is that the lifestyle acquired by children in the family will also be transferred into their later life periods. |