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V diplomskem delu predstavljam spletni grooming. V teoretičnem delu sem zajela definicijo spletnega groominga, faze, v katerih poteka, nasilje, ki se dogaja med spletnim groomingom. ter kakšne posledice lahko ima za žrtve. Pisala sem tudi o socialnih omrežjih, in njihovi vlogi pri spletnem groomingu. Del teoretičnega dela sem posvetila tudi pravni podlagi za to problematiko v Sloveniji. Raziskava temelji na pogovorih s strokovnimi delavci, ki se ukvarjajo s problematiko spletnega groominga v Sloveniji. Zanimalo me je, kaj sploh je spletni grooming, kako poteka in kakšen je proces nagovarjanja. Prav tako me je zanimalo kakšne oblike pomoči dobi žrtev in kakšne so metode reševanja tega problema. Glede na porast socialnih omrežij, sem se posvetila tudi vlogi socialnih omrežij pri problemu spletnega groominga. Rezultati kažejo, da spletni grooming večinoma poteka po nekih ustaljenih fazah. Problem se poskuša že v samem začetku preprečiti, zato metode reševanja temeljijo na preventivi - z raznimi delavnicami in izobraževanji. Vsi sodelujoči povejo, da imajo socialna omrežja, kar precejšnjo vlogo pri spletnem groomingu, saj storilcem samo dejanje lahko precej olajšajo. Rezultati kažejo, da se pomoč žrtvi nudi predvsem s pogovorom in poslušanjem. In my thesis I present online grooming. In the theoretical part I covered the definition of online grooming, the stages in which it takes place, the violence that takes place during online grooming, and what consequences it may have for victims. I also wrote about social networks, and their role in online grooming. I also devoted part of my theoretical work to the legal basis fort his issue in Slovenia. The research is based on conversations with professionals dealing with the issue of online grooming in Slovenia. I was interested in what online grooming is, how it goes, and what the solicitation process is. I was also interested what forms of help the victim receives and what are the methods of solving this problem. Given the rise of social networks, I also focused on the role of social networks in the problem of online grooming. The results show that online grooming mostly takes place after some established stages. The problem is tried to be prevented from the very beginning, so the methods of solving it are based on prevention, with various workshops and trainings. All participants say that social networks play a significant role in online grooming, as they can make tha act much easier fort he perpetrators. The results show that assistance to the victim is provided primarily through conversation and listening. |