Pisanje pripovedi ob slikah v 3. razredu osnovne šole

Autor: Novak, Mojca
Přispěvatelé: Bešter, Marja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Eden izmed temeljnih ciljev pouka slovenščine je razvijanje sporazumevalne zmožnosti, tj. zmožnosti sprejemanja in tvorjenja besedil. Mednje spada tudi pripoved ob slikah, katere tvorjenje naj bi učenci obvladali na koncu prvega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja, in sicer v ustni in pisni obliki. V praksi je po navadi tako, da se učenci učijo ustnega tvorjenja pripovedi ob slikah v 2. razredu, v 3. razredu pa pripoved ob slikah napišejo. Med opravljanjem prakse v oddelku 3. razreda smo opazili, da imajo učenci težave z ustnim tvorjenjem pripovedi ob slikah (primanjkuje jim besednega zaklada opisujejo slike, namesto da bi pripovedovali o dogodkih na njih veliko se ponavljajo). Še večje težave imajo pri pisnem tvorjenju pripovedi. Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti a) napredek tretješolcev v tvorjenju zapisane pripovedi ob slikah v trimesečnem obdobju od obravnave učne teme in po njenem utrjevanju, b) podobnosti in razlike v uvodni obravnavi tvorjenja zapisane pripovedi v dveh oddelkih 3. razreda OŠ in c) mnenje učencev in obeh učiteljic o obravnavani učni temi. Uporabili smo kombinacijo kvalitativnega (hospitacija učnih ur, del analize pripovedi učencev, intervju) in kvantitativnega raziskovanja (del analize pripovedi učencev, anketni vprašalnik za učence). V Teoretičnem delu smo opredelili sporazumevalno zmožnost, sporazumevanje in besedilo na splošno in nato še pri pouku slovenščine. V Empiričnem delu smo z raziskavo ugotovili, da za kakovostno pisanje pripovedi ob slikah ni ključnega pomena šolska obravnava te učne snovi, ampak utrjevanje pisanja ter učiteljeva podrobna in kvalitetna analiza zapisanih besedil, na podlagi katere lahko da učencem povratno informacijo o njihovih besedilih. Kot smo predvidevali, sta učiteljici pri pouku uporabljali izraz »zgodba« (in ne pripoved), tvorjenje pripovedi se je premalo utrjevalo in besedila učencev so bila pregledana površno. Rezultati magistrskega dela so lahko uporabni za učitelje 3. razreda, saj jih poleg omenjenega usmerijo tudi v tipične napake učencev pri pisnem tvorjenju pripovedi ob slikah. One of the main goals of teaching Slovene is the development of communication skills i.e. ability to receive and to create text. These include the narrative of paintings whose creation should be mastered at the end of the first educational period, in the oral and written form. In practice, it is usual for students to learn to create the oral narrative of paintings in the second-class paintings, while in class 3, they learn to create written narrative of paintings. During the practical training in 3rd class, we noticed that pupils have difficulties with the oral creation of narratives along the pictures (they lack the vocabulary they describe the images instead of telling about the events on them they are repeating themselves). There are even more problems with narrative writing. The purpose of the master's thesis was to establish a) the progress of the third-graders in the creation of a written narrative along images in a three-month period from the discussion of the topic and after its consolidation b) the similarities and differences in the introductory reading of the creation of the written narrative in two classes of the 3rd grade of the elementary school and c) thought of both, students and their teachers on the topic discussed. We used a combination of qualitative (practical training of teaching, part of the analysis of students narratives, interviews) and quantitative research (part of the analysis of students narratives, questionnaire for the students). In the theoretical part, we defined the communicative ability, communication and text in general and in the teaching of Slovene. In the empirical part, we found with the research that for high-quality writing of narratives along the pictures, learning material is not crucial but the consolidation of writing and the teacher's detailed and high-quality analysis of written texts, on the basis of which they can provide students with feedback on their texts. As we anticipated, both of teachers used the term "story" (and not the narrative) in the lesson, also the whole process of creating the narrative was not sufficiently consolidated and the texts of the students were examined superficially. The results of the master's thesis can be useful for teachers of the 3rd grade, because in addition to the above, they also focus on the typical mistakes of the students in the writing of narrative along the pictures.
Databáze: OpenAIRE