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Po sečnji listavcev v gozdu pogosto ostane velika količina neizkoriščenih sečnih ostankov, ki bi bili primerni za nadaljnjo uporabo, predvsem v energetske namene. Ker je sečne ostanke mogoče uporabiti tudi za pridobivanje oglja, smo v diplomski nalogi ugotavljali težavnost in učinkovitost priprave lesa za oglarsko kopo. Postopek priprave lesa smo razdelili v tri delovne podfaze: izdelavo sečnih ostankov v gozdu, prevoz sečnih ostankov in končno obdelavo sečnih ostankov. Delo sta opravila dva delavca. Vsako podfazo smo izvedli v petih ponovitvah, pri katerih smo sočasno merili učinkovitost in pulz med delom. Ugotovili smo, da za pripravo lesa dva delavca potrebujeta skupno 110,92 min/m3, pri čemer je učinkovitost največja pri izdelavi (26,71 min/m3), nižja pa pri obdelavi (39,39 min/m3) in najnižja pri prevozu (44,82 min/m3). Za najtežavnejšo delavno podfazo se je izkazala izdelava sečnih ostankov, pri kateri je povprečni pulz obeh delavcev med delom znašal 125,6 u/min, po težavnosti sledi prevoz (105,4 u/min) ter kot najlažja delovna podfaza obdelava sečnih ostankov (101 u/min). Po težavnosti dela lahko pripravo lesa za oglarsko kopo enačimo z ostalimi gozdarskimi deli, še posebej s sečnjo in spravilom lesa, saj težavnost dela presega dopustno mejo delovnega pulza. After felling broadleaf trees there usually remains a large quantity of logging residues which could be appropriate for further use, especially for energy purposes. As logging residues can be used for producing charcoal the objective of this thesis was to establish the physical workload and efficiency of wood production for charcoal piles. The process of wood production was divided into three stages: production of logging residues in the forest, transportation of logging residues and final processing of logging residues. The work was carried out by two workers. Each of the stages was carried out in five repetitions, while simultaneously measuring the efficiency and heart rate during work. We found out that it takes 110,92 min/m3 for two workers to finish the process of wood production for charcoal piles. The efficiency is the highest in the stage of production of logging residues in the forest (26,71 min/m3), lower in final processing (39,39 min/m3) and the lowest in the stage of transportation (44,82 min/m3). The stage of production of logging residues in the forest proved to be the most difficult as the average heart rate of both workers was 125,6 bpm. The transportation was less difficult (105,4 bpm) whereas the final processing of logging residues was the easiest stage of the three (101 bpm). Wood production for charcoal piles can be compared to other harvesting operations, especially felling and skidding as the working heart rate exceeds the agreed limit during work. |