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Trendi sodobne industrije stremijo k hitremu razvoju in izpopolnjevanju izdelkov. Vse večkrat sta zahtevana njihova sledljivost in kontrola kakovosti. Etiketiranje podjetjem omogoča povezavo fizičnega sveta izdelkov z njihovimi informacijami, zapisanimi v digitalni obliki. Največkrat ne prinaša dodane vrednosti samih izdelkov, temveč služi le optimizaciji in podpori ostalih procesov. Glavni cilj magistrske naloge je izboljšati proces tiskanja etiket obstoječega sistema z implementacijo oblačnih razširitev, ki omogočajo integracijo z drugimi sistemi ter možnost tiskanja neodvisno od uporabnikove lokacije. Obstoječi sistem za upravljanje z etiketami z implementacijo razširitev pridobi dodano vrednost, saj podjetjem omogoča integracijo procesa tiskanja z drugimi procesi in s tem njihovo optimizacijo. Trends in modern industry strive to the rapid product development and their improvement. They often require traceability and quality assurance. Labelling supports the connection of physical products with the information saved in digital form. In most cases it does not bring additional value to products themselves, but it serves only for optimization and support to other existing processes. The main goal of this master thesis is an improvement of the existing printing process with the implementation of two cloud extensions. First, it supports integration of the labelling system with other systems and, second, it supports location independent label printing. The existing label management system with the implementation of those extensions provides added value, because it supports the integration of the printing process with other processes and supports their optimization. |