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V mnogih podjetjih se srečujejo s težavami pri širjenju podjetja. Pri tem je pomembno, da zaposlimo nove ljudi, ki pa morajo profilno ustrezati že zaposlenim osebam. Prav tako moramo reorganizirati ljudi v time in s tem doseči večjo organiziranost in produktivnost. Postavitev timov ni enostaven proces, saj izbira napačnih ljudi lahko vodi v poslabšanje razmer v podjetju. V zaključni nalogi se bomo posvetili razvoju tima, si pogledali prednosti in slabosti dela v timih, obravnavali vrste timov in vloge ki v njih nastopajo. V eksperimentalnem poglavju pa bomo za primer vzeli manjše, rastoče podjetje iz jugovzhodne Slovenije, si pogledali vloge v trenutnem timu in nato podali smernice za nadaljnji razvoj tima. Many companies tend to struggle when time is due for expansion. In the process, it is highly important to employ new personnel that complements those, who are already employed. It is also crucial to regroup people into teams in a way to strengthen the organization of the work and consequently raise the level of productivity. Establishing new working teams is not an easy process, as selecting ill-suited people could have a detrimental effect on the entire corporation. The thesis revolves around team development, its positive and negative aspects and the impact they have on formed teams. It also uncovers what types of teams there are and what roles are there to fulfil for the people who are a part of them. In the experimental part of the thesis, the focus is on a small, but growing company from the south-east of Slovenia. The goal of the company team analysis is to determine the current roles in the already established working team and later advise on how to optimize the future development of the team. |