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Tema magistrskega dela se osredotoča na postdramsko obdobje, še posebej na področje opere. V ospredje postavlja »prvi« primer t. i. postopere Einstein na plaži skladatelja Philipa Glassa in režiserja Roberta Wilsona. Uvodni del strnjeno obravnava zgodovinski pregled opere, vse od antike do 70-ih let 20. stoletja. Osrednji del razprave je namenjen vpogledu v ozadje nastanka omenjene opere in v ustvarjalni proces obeh njenih avtorjev. Skozi glasbeno in režijsko analizo je prikazano, kaj je tisto, kar opero Einstein na plaži razlikuje od njenih predhodnic. V nadaljevanju sledi predstavitev Glassovih in Wilsonovih del, ki so nastala v sodelovanju z drugimi avtorji. Sledi utemeljitev termina postdramsko gledališče in s tem povezanega razvoja termina postopera. V zadnjem delu je prikazan razvoj postdramskega gledališča na slovenskih tleh z vpogledom v nastanek predstave Krst pod Triglavom ustvarjalcev Dragana Živadinova ter zasedbe Laibach. This master thesis deals with the postdramatic period, in particular with the postoperatic period. It focuses on the »first« postopera Einstein on the Beach made by composer Philip Glass and director Robert Wilson. At first it presents a short overview of the history of opera from antiquity to the 1970's period. The thesis goes further into discussing the background of the creative process of the opera's authors. Through analysis of Glass's music and through analysis of Wilson's theatrical approach we try to find out, what is the main thing that makes Einstein on the Beach stand out among other similar performances. Thesis also presents works of Wilson and Glass made in collaboration with other artists. Moreover, it also shows development of the term postdramatic theatre in relation to the term postopera. In the final part it presents the slovenian postdramatic theatrical practices and focuses on the play Krst pod Triglavom made by Dragan Živadinov and the musical group Laibach. |