Življenjski svet tihotapca migrantov

Autor: Malek, Nastja
Přispěvatelé: Zorn, Jelka
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Skozi svojo magistrsko nalogo sem kritično analizirala, kako nekatere države Evropske unije in drugje po svetu opredeljujejo migracijsko politiko skozi prizmo kriminalizacije tihotapljenja. Z osebno narativno metodo raziskovanja tihotapca želim reducirati dvoumnost, ki je povezana s tihotapljenjem in nedokumentiranimi migracijami. Tihotapljenje najprej umestim kot zgodovinsko družbeno in kulturno prakso, hkrati pa kritično analiziram sistem globalnega nadzora mej. Nikakor ne želim opravičevati izkoriščevalnih praks tihotapljenja, marveč dvomiti o prevladujočem diskurzu tihotapljenja migrantov in sočasnih posledicah presečišč s kazenskim in pravosodnim nadzorom migracij. Tihotapljenje predstavim kot družbeni proces, v katerega so vpleteni migranti_ke, ki želijo omiliti negotovost in nevarnost s svojim neregularnim potovanjem. Kot metodo raziskovanja sem uporabila študijo primera. In my master's thesis, I critically analyzed how some European countries and other countries in the world define migration policy through the prism of criminalizing smuggling. With the personal narrative methodical research, I aim to reduce the ambiguity associated with smuggling and undocumented migration. I want to first place smuggling as a historically grounded social and cultural practice, while critically analyzing the relationship between global border enforcement, coercive surveillance and smuggling as the answer to the injustice. I do not want to justify the exploitative practices of smuggling, but rather to question the prevailing discourse of smuggling migrants and the concomitant consequences of intersections between criminal and judicial migration controls. I represent smuggling as a social process involving migrants who want to alleviate insecurity and danger through their irregular journey. As a method of my qualitative research I have used the case study.
Databáze: OpenAIRE