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Diplomsko delo predstavlja razmerje, ki se pojavlja v teoriji in zakonodaji med javnim interesom in informacijami javnega značaja, ter kako se to izvaja v praksi. Razlog za pisanje dela leži v neznanju laične javnosti in razlikovanju med pojmi zlasti je treba ločiti javni interes in interes javnosti. Namen tega dela vidim predvsem v predstavitvi pojmov ter analizi razumevanja pojmov pri implementaciji predpisov. Pri diplomskem delu sem uporabil deskriptivno metodo, s katero sem analiziral merodajne predpise, glede vprašanja, kako pa smo prišli do sedanjega stanja v zakonodaji, sem uporabil zgodovinsko metodo. Za obrazložitev vseh pojmov sem uporabil metodo analize in sinteze. Pri raziskovanju razlaganja pojmov v javnosti sem uporabil anketni vprašalnik. Preverjal sem dve hipotezi s poudarkom na (ne)razumevanju pojma javni interes in ugotovil, da večina pozna, kaj je javni interes in kaj lahko štejemo pod njega. Problem pa nastane, ko je treba opisati razlike med javnim interesom in interesom javnosti. This thesis presents the ratio that occurs between two concepts, public interest and information of public charter and how they are implemented in the system based on the theory. The reason behind writing the thesis is the lack of knowledge in the public behind the difference in both concepts. The purpose of the thesis is to present to the public both concepts and what the public knows about them. In the preparation of the thesis I used the descriptive method which allowed me to analyse the laws and regulations. In the process of how we came to the current state of law I used the historical method. To explain all concepts, I used the method of analysis and synthesis. To help me analyse what the public opinion on this meter is I used a questioner. I tried to verify two hypotheses, focusing on the knowledge (or lack of it) of understanding the concept of public interest and discovered that most know what public interest is and what we consider can go with it. The problem emerges when we have to describe the differences between public interest and interest of the public. |