Razvoj gozdnih sestojev na raziskovalnih ploskvah v predalpskih jelovo-bukovih gozdovih na Pokljuki

Autor: Borkovič, Danijel
Přispěvatelé: Hladnik, David
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Popis: Leta 2007 smo ponovili meritve na dveh raziskovalnih ploskvah na Pokljuki, obeploskvi sta veliki 1 ha, v razvojni fazi starejšega debeljaka. Na podlagi podatkov o zaporednih merjenjih dreves smo ocenili razvoj gozdnih sestojev na obeh ploskvah. Izmerili smo premere in višine dreves ter ocenili njihove kakovostne znake. Lesne zaloge so visoke, na prvi ploskvi znaša 794,6 m3/ha, na drugi pa 825,7 m3/ha. Zgradba sestoja je v zadnjih petdesetih letih ostala enomerna. Na obeh ploskvah najbolj priraščajo najdebelejša drevesa, in sicer okrog 3 mm na leto. Poškodbe vplivajo na vitalnost dreves. Osutost, socialni položaj ter dolžina krošnje vplivajo na debelinski prirastek. Stopnje osutostise po slojih razlikujejo. Povprečna osutost pri jelki je 5 % manjša kot pri smreki. In 2007 we repeated the measurements on two research plots on Pokljuka plateau, both measuring 1 ha, in the timber-phase of development. Based on thedata of successive tree measurements, we assessed the forest stand development on both plots. We measured the diameters and heights of the trees and evaluated their quality features. The growing stock is high, amounting to 794,6 m3/ha on the first plot and 825,7 m3/ha on the second. During the last 50 years, the structure of the stand remained even-aged. On both plots, the trees with the largest diameter have the highest increment, namely about 3 mm per year. Damages affect the tree vitality. Defoliation, social position and crown length affect the diameter increments. The degree of defoliation varies according to layers. The average defoliation of fir is 5% lower than that of spruce.
Databáze: OpenAIRE