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Namen diplomskega dela je bil načrtovati in oblikovati celostno grafično podobo blagovne znamke oziroma podjetja Poca Studio, kreativnega oblikovalskega studia, čigar dejavnost se bo osredotočala na prodajo keramičnih izdelkov za vsakdanjo rabo, prav tako pa bo ponujala storitve na področju grafičnega in industrijskega oblikovanja. Gre za novo nastalo blagovno znamko, ki se bo s primerno oblikovano celostno grafično podobo razlikovala od konkurence in izstopala na trgu, hkrati pa bo skrbela za primerno promocijo svojih izdelkov oziroma storitev. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili pojma celostna grafična podoba in blagovna znamka. Opisali smo osnove načrtovanja celostne grafične podobe in osnovna načela grafičnega oblikovanja, ki predstavljajo pomemben dejavnik medsebojnega povezovanja grafičnih elementov. Osnovne grafične elemente celostne grafične podobe smo tudi podrobneje predstavili in opisali. V eksperimentalnem delu smo opisali materiale in metode dela, uporabljene v diplomskem delu. S pomočjo spletnega anketnega vprašalnika smo pridobili mnenja anketirancev o primernosti in sporočilnosti grafičnih rešitev celostne grafične podobe. Analizirali smo celostne grafične podobe konkurenčnih podjetij, tako na slovenskem kot na tujem trgu. Predstavili smo podjetje in blagovno znamko Poca Studio, definirali ciljno skupino ter izdelali oblikovalski osnutek, ki opisuje zahteve naročnika in nam je bil v procesu oblikovanja v veliko pomoč. Nato smo izdelali celostno grafično podobo in predstavili ter opisali njene grafične elemente. Predstavili smo še rezultate anketnega vprašalnika ter oblikovana komunikacijska sredstva. Izdelali smo tudi priročnik celostne grafične podobe. Končni rezultat diplomskega dela je tako novo oblikovana celostna grafična podoba, ki se zlahka implementira, loči od konkurence in je zapomnljiva. The aim of the diploma thesis was to plan and design the visual identity of a brand for the company Poca Studio, a creative design studio whose activity will focus on the sale of ceramic products for everyday use, as well as offering services in the field of graphic and product design. With an appropriately designed visual identity, this newly created brand will differentiate itself from the competition and stand out in the market, while at the same time take care of appropriate promotion of their products and services. In the theoretical part, we defined the concepts of visual identity and brand. We described the basics of planning visual identities and the basic principles of graphic design, which play an important role in the interconnection of graphical elements. We presented and described the basic graphical elements of visual identity in more detail. Different communication materials and the role of visual communication were also presented. In the experimental part, we described the materials and methods used in the diploma thesis. With the help of an online survey, we obtained the opinions of the respondents on the appropriateness and communication of the graphic solutions for the visual identity that we designed. We analyzed the visual identity of competitive brands, both Slovene and foreign. We presented the Poca Studio brand, defined its target group and created a design brief that describes the client's requirements and was of great help to us in the design process. Moreover, the visual identity of the Poca Studio brand was created. We presented and described its graphic elements more particularly. Finally, we described the results of the online survey and presented different communication materials that we created in the design process of this thesis. We also produced a visual identity manual of the brand. The final result of the diploma thesis is a newly designed visual identity that is easy to implement, stands out from the competition, and is memorable. |