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Diplomsko delo obravnava like iz Cankarjeve in Ibsenove dramatike, pri tem pa se konkretneje osredotoči na dva protagonista – vaškega mogotca Kantorja iz Cankarjeve drame Kralj na Betajnovi in konzula Bernicka iz Ibsenovih Stebrov družbe. V nalogi opisujemo Cankarjevo poznavanja Ibsena ter njegovih del, nato pa s pomočjo metode Velikih pet faktorjev osebnosti podamo natačno analizo dramskih likov in iz nje izpeljemo ter analiziramo konflikt dramskih oseb. Pri tem ugotavljamo, da kljub Ibsenovemu vplivu na Cankarja njuni drami, Kralj na Betajnovi in Stebri družbe, v temeljih in idejah nista skladni. The bachelor's thesis discusses characters from Cankar’s and Ibsen’s plays. In doing so it focuses on two protagonists – the village mogul Kantor from Cankar’s play Kralj na Betajnovi (The King of Betajnova) and Consul Bernick from Ibsen’s Pillars of Society. The thesis describes Cankar’s knowledge of Ibsen and his work, then with the method called Big Five personality traits (also ‘Big Five’) gives thorough analysis of dramatic characters and analyses the conflict between them. We observed that despite Ibsen’s influence on Cankar, The King of Betajnova and The Pillars of Society are not consistent in their essential ideas. |