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Turizem je v 21. stoletju ena izmed najhitreje rastočih panog, ki močno vpliva tudi na razvoj krajev. Namen diplomske naloge je predstaviti stanje turizma in turistične znamenitosti v občini Šmarješke Toplice. V prvem delu diplomske naloge govorimo o osnovnih pojmih v turizmu, nato pa predstavimo osnovne geografske značilnosti, turistično ponudbo, turistično povpraševanje in glavne vrste turizma v občini. V zadnjem delu naloge spoznamo, kakšen pogled ima na turizem občina in kakšne so možnosti za nadaljnji razvoj turizma na območju. In the 21st century, tourism is one of the fastest-growing industries, which also has a strong impact on the development of the affected locations themselves. The purpose of this thesis is to present the state of tourism and tourist attractions in the municipality of Šmarješke Toplice. In the first part of the thesis, we talk about the basic concepts in tourism and then we present the basic geographical features, tourism supply, tourism demand and the main kinds of tourism in the municipality. In the final part of the thesis, we learn about the municipality’s view on tourism, and we also learn what are the possibilities for further development of tourism in the area |