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V svoji diplomski nalogi bom izhajala iz pomena oblikovanja za otroke in njegovega vpliva na otrokov razvoj. Preučila bom osnove pri začetnem učenju črk in abecede ter kdaj so najbolj efektivni načini za uspešno učenje. Ker gre za knjigo interaktivne narave, bom predstavila različne zvrsti knjig, kakšno funkcijo imajo in kako lahko služijo kot glavni vir širjenja znanja z interaktivnimi rešitvami. Predstavila in opisala bom funkcionalnost črke, njeno sporočilnost in vizualni pristop, ki vodi do končne podobe igralne knjige. In my thesis, I will start from the importance of design for children and its impact on children’s development. I will look at the basics for learning letters and the alphabet at a very young age and what are the most effective ways to learn them more successfully. Because it’s an interactive book, I will introduce the different types of books, their function and how they can serve as a main source of knowledge dissemination through interactive solutions. I will present and describe the functionality of the typefaces, their communicativeness and the visual approach that leads to the final design of the playbook. |