Statična analiza strešne konstrukcije spomeniško zaščitenega objekta Šenkova domačija

Autor: Vidic, Matej
Přispěvatelé: Bosiljkov, Vlatko
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: V diplomski nalogi sem izvedel statično analizo strešne konstrukcije spomeniško zaščitenega objekta Šenkova domačija s pomočjo programa SAP2000. Spremljal sem kronološko propadanje elementov ostrešja in izdelal parametrično študijo petih računskih statičnih modelov. Osnovni model je sestavljen iz štirih okvirjev s statičnim sistemom povezja s trapeznim vešalom z dodatnim sredinskim stebrom. Mehanske lastnosti smerkovega lesa iz ostrešja, ki so bile potrebne za statično analizo, sem pridobil z laboratorijskimi preiskavami (tlačna in upogibna trdnost, elastični in strižni modul). Raziskoval sem vpliv propadanja posameznih leg in posledično postopnega deformiranja ostrešja na nalegajoče se spodnje poškodovano kamnito zidovje in preverjal, ali je glavni razlog za poškodbe zidov ravno deformacija ostrešja. Najbolj poškodovano je severno zidovje, ki je skoraj v celoti ločeno od ostalega dela objekta. Zato sem se osredotočil predvsem na reakcije in pomike v podporah severne kapne lege, ki leži na poškodovamen zidovju. Z uporabo Evrokodov sem določil obtežbe in upošteval obtežne kombinacije za mejno stanje nostilnosti (MSN). Ugotovil sem, da se je severno zidovje deformiralo zaradi vpliva deformacij ostrešja in posledičnih sprememb prenosa obtežbe ter posedkov. To zidovje namreč nima temeljev. Postavljeno je neposredno na skale, ki ležijo v mehki prodnati zemljini. Ostrešje je bilo dolgo časa brez žlebov, hiša pa brez drenaže, zato je meteorna voda spirala slabo nosilna temeljna tla, kar je vzrok za posedanje severnega zidovja. V določenem obdobju je bilo treba severno kapno lego točkovno podpreti. To pomeni, da je bilo spodnje zidovje nekaj časa brez ugodne vertikalne obremenitve. Posledica točkovnega podpiranja so močno povečane horizontalne reakcije na SV in SZ vogalu zidovja, ki so sprožile začetek nastanka razpok severnega zidovja. This thesis presents the static analysis of the heritage protected Šenk homestead's roof structure with the use of the structural analysis program SAP2000. For this purpose I have analyzed the chronological decay of roof structure elements and made a parametrical study of six static roof structure models. The basic model has four frames with a trapeze shaped triple roof static system Mechanical parameters for the calculation of spruce elements (compressive strength, bending strength, elastical mosulus, shear modulus) for statical analysis were gained by laboratorical testing of spruce samples. I have researched how gradual decay of the roof structure have influenced the deformation of the underlying stone walls. The northern walls are the most damaged with the widest cracks and are almost completely seperated from the rest of the house. Vertical reactions and displacemants of the roof wall plate roller supports were therefore the main focus of this analysis. Dead load, live load, snow load and wind load are assesed using Eurocode standards. Static analysis is based on the method of limit state load (MSN). Analysis shows that the main reason for the north wall deformation is the influence of deformed roof structure and ground setlement. The house is without a foundation and its walls sit directly on rocks that are laying in in soft gravel soil. The house was without gutters and drainage for a long time. Rainwater was therefore able to wash away the soft subgrade causing additional subgrade subsidence. The roof wall plate had to be supported at some point in time, which means that the north wall was without vertical load and consequently constant compressive stress, that had a positive effect on it. As a result the northern wall was able to deform even more. Point supported roof wall plate caused greatly increased horizontal reactions in NE and NW corner of the north wall, that have triggered the beginning of the formation of cracks.
Databáze: OpenAIRE