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V središče magistrskega dela postavljamo dve drami, to sta Kraljična Haris in Krvava svatba, ter ju primerjamo med seboj. Najprej predstavimo življenje in delo Antona Leskovca, naštejemo značilnosti njegove dramatike, opišemo kontekst nastanka Kraljične Haris ter predstavimo vsebino omenjene drame. Nato se osredinimo na življenje in delo Federica Garcie Lorce, predstavimo značilnosti njegove dramatike, kontekst nastanka Krvave svatbe ter njeno vsebino. Potem definiramo tragedijo ter naštejemo in opišemo elemente grške tragedije v Krvavi svatbi. V nadaljevanju izpostavimo bistvene značilnosti literarnih smeri, v katerih sta ustvarjala avtorja - ekspresionizma in generacije 27. V drugem delu sledi interpretacija in analiza obeh del s poudarkom na prostoru dogajanja, simbolih, glasbi in plesu, obstoju dveh svetov, jeziku, temah, dramskih osebah ter koncu. Master's degree is based on two plays - Princess Haris and Blood wedding and their comparison. Firstly, we present life and work of Anton Leskovec, we enumerate his dramatic characteristics, describe the context of the origin of Princess Haris and present the summary of his play. Later on, we present life and work of Federico Garcia Lorca, enumerate his dramatic characteristics, present the context of the origin of Blood wedding and the summary of this play. Then we define a tragedy, enumerate and describe elements of Greek tragedy in Blood Wedding. Further, we expose some essential characteristics of literary movements in which both authors wrote their books - Expressionism and Generation 27. In the second part we compare some aspects of both plays - space, symbols, music and dance, the existence of two worlds, language, themes, dramatic characters and the end. |