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Uporaba industrijskih robotov z vsakim letom narašča, kljub temu pa se tipičen nabor nalog, ki jih opravljajo, ne spreminja že več kot 20 let. Učinkoviti so pri ponavljajočih se nalogah v serijski proizvodnji, pri zapletenih operacijah pa postanejo stroškovno neučinkoviti. Omejuje jih programska in krmilna infrastruktura, ki je vezana na proizvajalca, in uporabnika pri uporabi robota omejuje na vnaprej predvidene scenarije. Robot Operating System (ROS) je odprtokodni projekt, ki si prizadeva odpraviti to težavo. V diplomski nalogi je obravnavan problem integracije industrijskega robota s programskim paketom ROS-Industrial. V prvem delu so predstavljeni različni industrijski roboti, delovanje in namestitev ROS paketov ter uporaba programskega paketa MoveIt!. V drugem delu je opisan postopek namestitve ROS gonilnikov na industrijskem robotu, izdelave MoveIt! konfiguracijskega paketa in prikazana izvedba krmiljenja robota z uporabo skripte, napisane v programskem jeziku Python. Use of industrial robots is increasing every year. However the set of tasks they perform has remained the same for more than 20 years. They efficiently perform repetitive tasks in high-volume production, but become cost-ineffective when performing complex operations. Their software and control infrastructure are limited by the robot manufacturer and only allow for the robot to be used in predefined scenarios. Robot Operating System (ROS) is an open source project that seeks to solve these problems. The thesis deals with the problem of integrating of an industrial robot with the software package ROS-Industrial. The first part describes different types of industrial robots, function and installation of ROS packages, and the use of the MoveIt! software package. The second part describes the process of installing ROS drivers on an industrial robot, how to make a MoveIt! configuration package and how to control the robot using a Python script. |