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Zajem zahtev pri procesu razvoja programske opreme je eden najtežjih in najbolj kritičnih podprocesov. Cena popravka napak namreč raste eksponentno v kasnejših podprocesih. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na izboljšanje zajema zahtev v konkretnem slovenskem podjetju. Analizirali in izrisali smo obstoječi podproces zajema zahtev. Nato smo ocenili uspešnost obstoječih informacijskih sistemov. Na podlagi analize obstoječih podprocesov in analize ankete smo pripravili predloge izboljšav. Rezultate ocenjevanja in predloge izboljšav smo predstavili vodstvu podjetja, ki je potrdilo ustreznost predlaganih izboljšav. S pomočjo predlogov izboljšav, pogovorov z zaposlenimi in vodstvom podjetja smo pripravili nov izboljšan podproces. Requirement elicitation is one of the hardest and most critical subprocesses of software development. It is a well known fact that the cost of solving mistakes grows exponentially in later subprocesses. This master thesis focuses on improvement of requirements elicitation in a Slovenian company. The requirement elicitation of the company has been thoroughly analysed and diagrammed. After that we evaluated the success of the existing information systems. Based on the findings from the existing subprocesses and the analysis of the surveys we suggested improvements to requirement elicitation. The results of the evaluation and the suggested improvements were presented to company leadership, who confirmed the suitability of the suggested improvements. A proposal for a new and improved subprocess has been issued based on suggested improvements, discussions with both employees and company leadership. |