Razvoj in konstruiranje ekvatorialne teleskopske montaže

Autor: Osredkar, Luka
Přispěvatelé: Nagode, Marko
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: V zaključni nalogi je predstavljen razvoj prototipa ekvatorialne nosilne konstrukcije teleskopa oz. teleskopske montaže, ki je eden osnovnih astronomskih instrumentov, potrebnih za astrofotografijo. Teleskopska montaža omogoča, da lahko znotraj zornega polja kamere z določeno natančnostjo sledimo nebesnim telesom, ki zaradi vrtenja Zemlje okoli svoje osi neprestano uhajajo. Najprej smo pregledali teoretične osnove teleskopskih montaž in principov pogona. Na začetku smo pripravili seznam zahtev, katerim smo poskušali ves čas snovanja čim bolj slediti, da bi dosegli želene specifikacije. Celotno montažo smo skonstruirali v 3D-modelirniku z upoštevanjem namena kasnejše izdelave nestandardnih komponent s postopkom CNC-obdelave. Na koncu so predstavljeni še rezultati in izdelava prototipa s pomočjo 3D-tiska. In the assignment the development of the prototype of the equatorial support structure of the telescope or otherwise known as telescope mount is presented, which is one of the basic astronomical instruments, needed for astrophotography. It enables us to follow celestial bodies that constantly evade because of the Earth's rotation around its axis, with certain precision, within camera's field of vision. Firstly, we examined theoretical basics of telescope mounts and principles of their drives. At the beginning, we prepared key demands and a criterion, which we tried to keep, as much as possible, throughout the whole devision, so we could achieve desired specifications. We constructed the complete mount in 3D modelling software with taking into account later intent of manufacturing non-standard components with the procedure of CNC machining. At the end there are presented also the results and the making of the prototype with the help of 3D printing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE