Humor v sitkom seriji »Tretji kamen od Sonca«

Autor: Zupan, Ana
Přispěvatelé: Stanković, Peter
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: V nalogi raziskujem, kakšen humor prevladuje v seriji Tretji kamen od Sonca. Najprej se poglobim v teorije humorja in komedije ter opredelim serije sitkom. Kljub temu da je humor subjektiven, ugotovim, da obstajajo teorije humorja, ključne so: teorija superiornosti, teorija neskladnosti in teorija sproščanja. Prav tako ugotovim, da so za obstoj komičnega potrebni določeni pogoji in obstajajo pravila, da komičnost deluje. Za analizo naključne epizode omenjene serije izberem tipologijo Jucketal, Bellmana in Varana, ki so iz tipologije Bergerja ter Bujizen in Valkenburga ustvarili svojo tipologijo za analizo sitkomov. Opredelijo štiri kategorije (jezik, identiteta, logika in akcija) in skupno 22 tehnik. Glede na to analiziram vsako šalo v vseh scenah in zaključim, da nobena od kategorij posebej ne izstopa. Malo bolj izstopajoča je sicer kategorija jezika, kar je logično, saj je velik del serij sitkom baziranih na dialogu in izmenjavi replik. Najmanj uporabljenih tehnik pa je iz kategorije identitete, ki temelji na likih, kar je morda presenetljiv podatek, saj so liki tudi zelo pomemben in viden del serij sitkom. In the thesis, I explore what kind of humor prevails in the sitcom series 3rd Rock from the Sun. I first dive into the theories of humor and comedy and define the sitcoms series. Even though the humor is subjective, I find that humor theories exist. The three key ones are superiority theory, incongruity theory, and relief theory. I also find that certain conditions are necessary for the existence of comedy and there are rules for comedy to work. To analyze a random episode of the aforementioned series, I then choose the typology of Jucketal, Bellman, and Varan, who created their own for analyzing sitcoms from the typologies of Berger and Buijzen and Valkenburg. They define four categories (language, identity, logic and action) and a total of 22 techniques. Based on this, I analyze each joke in all the scenes and come to the conclusion that none of the categories stand out. The language category is a bit more outstanding, which is logical, since a large part of the sitcom series are based on dialogue and the exchange of replicas. The least used techniques are from the identity category, which is character-based. That is perhaps a surprising fact, as characters are a very large and visible part of the sitcom series.
Databáze: OpenAIRE