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V procesu učenja tujega jezika učenci zavestno ali nezavedno prevzemajo ustaljene mentalne vzorce, ki odražajo sorazmerno stabilno jezikovno podobo sveta, povezano z novim jezikom. Formalni in semantični stereotipi so pomemben del te podobe. V prvem delu prispevka so predstavljena teoretična izhodišča za obravnavanje stereotipov pri jezikovnem pouku, v drugem pa je navedenih nekaj praktičnih vaj za obravnavanje stereotipne podobe matere. In the process of learning a foreign language, consciously or not, students adopt mental patterns that present a relatively stable linguistic image of the world. Formal and semantic stereotypes constitute an important part of this image. The first part of this article presents the theoretical premises for tackling stereotypes when teaching languages, and the second part contains several practical exercises for dealing with the stereotypical image of the mother in teaching Slovenian as a foreign language. |