Primerjava izmerjenih Clarkovih kotov na izbrane načine

Autor: Turk, Eva
Přispěvatelé: Štemberger, Vesna
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: Namen raziskave je bil ugotavljanje povezanosti med tremi načini merjenja Clarkovih kotov odtisov stopal in ugotavljanje njihove uporabnosti. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 186 učencev od prvega do devetega razreda osnovne šole Pirniče. Za vse smo pred začetkom raziskave pridobili soglasje staršev. Merjenje je potekalo v mesecu juniju 2010. Clarkov kot desnega in levega stopala smo pridobili na tri različne načine: • ročna izmera s kotomerom, • s pomočjo računalniških programov Cabri 2 plus in • Foot Study. Za merjenje Clarkovih kotov s pomočjo obeh računalniških programov smo morali dobljene odtise stopal skenirati s skenerjem, da smo lahko slike odtisov stopal vnesli v računalniški program. Dobljene podatke smo vnesli v program Excel in jih obdelali s pomočjo statističnega programa SPSS. Izračunali smo deskriptivno statistiko in povezanost med vsemi tremi metodami s Pearsonovim korelacijskim koeficientom. Ugotovili smo: • da med vsemi tremi izbranimi metodami merjenja Clarkovega kota prihaja do razlik, • vse izbrane metode nam niso omogočile obdelavo vseh odtisov stopal, • med različnimi načini meritve Clarkovih kotov je prišlo do občutnejših razlik v porabljenem času za obdelavo podatkov. Ugotovili smo, da je za prvi triadi osnovne šole ročni način izmere Clarkovega kota s kotomerom še vedno najbolj uporaben in najhitrejši način merjenja, ki ima najvišjo povezanost z ostalima računalniškima načinoma merjenja. The intention of this research was to find the connections between three ways of measuring Clark's angles of footprints and finding its usability. 186 students from the first to the ninth grade of primary school Pirniče were involved in this research and before we began we got their parents consent. The measurement took place in June 2010. We used three different ways to get Clark's angle of the right and left foot: • Manual measurement with astrolabe, • With the help of computer programs Cabri 2 plus and • Foot Study. For the measurement of Clark's angles with both computer programs, we had to scan all the footprints with a scanner, so we could insert the photos into the program. The obtained data were inserted into the Excel and processed with the statistic program SPSS. We calculated the descriptive statistics and the connection between all of three methods with Pearson's correlation coefficient. We found out that: • there are differences between these three methods of measurement of Clark's angles, • not all of these methods enabled us to process all the footprints, • there are considerable differences in time spent to process data with each way of measurement. We also found out that in the first triad od primary school the fastest and the most usable way is the manual measurement with astrolabe and it also has the highest connection with the other two computer measurements.
Databáze: OpenAIRE