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V diplomskem delu raziskujem deviantnost protagonistke trilogije Millennium, Lisbeth Salander. Posebej se nameravam osredotočiti na načine, kako je diskriminirana in stigmatizirana pa tudi prakse, s katerimi se proti tem krivicam bori. Raziskal bom vlogo kiberprostora v kriminalnem romanu in Millennium razložil skozi prizmo trdega detektivskega romana. Za zaključek bom odklonskost detektiva primerjal s Hobsbawmovim razbojništvom in raziskal nekaj razlag, zakaj je trilogija dosegla tolikšno popularnost med bralci. The following paper highlights the deviance of Lisbeth Salander, the protagonist of the Millennium trilogy. I pay close attention to the ways how she is being discriminated, stigmatized and also her practices of fighting injustices. Furthermore, I tend to unravel the role of cyberspace in crime novel and explain Millennium with several existing approaches on traditional hard-boiled detective novel. I will also compare Lisbeth Salander with bandits as they were described by Eric Hobsbawm. At the very end, I will look for explanations on Millennium's popularity amongst readers. |