Novi načini rabe tekstilij in upodobitev interaktivnega interierja prihodnosti

Autor: Ivančić, Lovro
Přispěvatelé: Jenko, Marija
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Na vprašanje, kako bo izgledal interier prihodnosti, odgovarjam s spekulacijo o alternativni sedanjosti ali potencialni prihodnosti. Vizualizacija tega koncepta je interaktivna tekstilna instalacija, ki temelji na odnosu človeka z naravo in tehnologijo. Po vzoru naravnih sistemov so bili po umetniški poti izvedeni eksperimenti, ki so vodili v razvoj postavitve in delovanja instalacije. Danes se že zavedamo, da bo človek, uporabnik prostorov, v prihodnosti vse bolj ozaveščen in bo od ustvarjalcev bivalnega okolja pričakoval tehnološko visoko razvito, oblikovno pa občutljivo, poosebljeno izkušnjo. Za ta napredek bo potrebno zgraditi interdisciplinarni jezik, s pomočjo katerega se bo uporabnik lahko interaktivno sporazumeval s svojim okoljem in ga prilagajal svojim trenutnim potrebam. K temu bo pripomogel razvoj tehnologije, ki je že sedaj vse bolj prisotna v naših življenjih. Oblikovalci in drugi ustvarjalci na področju umetnosti in bivalne kulture, ki prepoznajo te hitro se razvijajoče tehnološke zmožnosti in se povezujejo z različnimi znanstvenimi disciplinami, so uspešnejši in izvirnejši v razvijanju celostnih prostorskih in bivalnih rešitev. Proces je vzajemen: rešitve na področju znanosti so boljše, jasnejše in lepše v sodelovanju z umetniškimi, oblikovnimi področji. Sklepna podoba, postavitev in interaktivno delovanje umetniške umestitve, ki je predmet opisa v tem sestavku, je torej plod interdisciplinarnega sodelovanja, za katerega menim, da je edina možna pot za prostorsko ustvarjanje v prihodnosti. Za interier prihodnosti predlagam dinamične in spremenljive rešitve, razvite iz procesov, ki jih prepoznavamo v svetu, v katerem bivamo. Vse v naravi se nenehno spreminja. Naš bivalni prostor, ki je del narave, bi se tudi lahko podobno spreminjal. Na ta način bi se oba prostora prilagajala eden drugemu, ne izključevala, kot je pogosta praksa dandanes. Zamisel, za katero se zavzemam, ni končni izdelek, ampak je orodje, prostor za komunikacijo, ki sčasoma lahko doprinese k boljši predstavi o svetu, v katerem bi radi živeli. Interaktivna tekstilna instalacija Notranja zunanjost predstavlja osrednji del umetniško- oblikovalskega projekta z naslovom Novi načini rabe tekstilij in upodobitev interaktivnega interiera prihodnosti. The question of what the interior of the future will look like is answered by speculation about an alternative present or potential future. The visualization of this concept is an interactive textile installation based on human relationship to nature and technology. Following the example of natural systems, artistic experiments were carried out, which led to the development of the layout and functioning of the installation. Today we are already aware that in the future people, the users of premises, will have increased awareness and will expect the creators of the living areas to provide a technologically highly developed personalized experience that is also sensitive in design. This progress will require the development of an interdisciplinary language through which the user will be able to interact with their environment and adapt it to their ever-changing needs. The technological development will be of help in this process since technology is already increasingly present in our lives. Designers and other creators in the field of art and living culture who recognize these rapidly evolving technological capabilities and connect with various scientific disciplines are more successful and original in developing integrated spatial and living solutions. The process is reciprocal: solutions in the field of science are better, clearer, and more beautiful in cooperation with the fields of art and design. The concluding image, layout, and interactive operation of the artistic placement, which is the subject of this thesis, is therefore the outcome of interdisciplinary cooperation, which I believe is the only possible path for spatial creation in the future. For the interior of the future, I propose dynamic and changing solutions developed from the processes we recognize in the world in which we live. Everything in nature is constantly changing. Our living areas, which are part of nature, could also change in a similar way. In this way, both spaces would adapt to each other, not exclude each other, as is common practice today. The idea I stand for is not a finished product, but a tool, a space for communication that can eventually contribute to a better idea of the world we would like to live in. Interactive textile installation The Inner Exterior is a central part of an art and design project entitled New Ways of Textile Use and Representation of the Interactive Future Interior.
Databáze: OpenAIRE