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Sharenting je izraz, sestavljen iz besed share in parenting, ki poimenuje rastoč trend v sodobnem času, ko starši objavljajo fotografije, videoposnetke in informacije o svojih otrocih na spletu. V povezavi z omenjeno prakso se odpira vse več etičnih in moralnih dilem, ki se nanašajo predvsem na kršenje otrokovih pravic. Namen naloge je ugotoviti, na kakšen način starši izpostavljajo svoje otroke na družbenih omrežjih, ali imajo otroci možnost soodločanja o tem, kaj njihovi starši objavljajo na družbenih omrežjih v povezavi z njimi ter kakšen je vpliv sharentinga na otroke. S pomočjo kvalitativne metodologije sem v empiričnem delu naloge izvedla sedem intervjujev z vplivnimi materami. Rezultati raziskave pokažejo, da vplivne matere svoje otroke na družbenih omrežjih pogosto izpostavljajo, objave pa se najpogosteje vežejo na trenutke iz vsakdanjega življenja, posebne priložnosti, smešne trenutke, na vsebine v povezavi z družino, vzgojo in materinstvom ter sponzorirane objave. Otroci povečini nimajo možnosti soodločanja o tem, kaj njihovi starši o njih objavljajo na družbenih omrežjih, kar je najpogosteje povezano z njihovo starostjo oziroma nezmožnostjo dojemanja in razumevanja situacije, posledice sharentinga pa so za otroka lahko povezane s čustveno stisko, z virtualnim odtisom, virtualno ugrabitvijo in motenjem otrokove zasebnosti. Vplivne matere se zavedajo negativnih posledic objavljanja informacij o otrocih na družbenih omrežjih, kar se pri nekaterih kaže kot kritičen in samorefleksiven odnos do sharentinga, saj si prizadevajo, da bi svojemu otroku ustvarile čim manj vizualnih sledi in s tem zaščitile njegovo zasebnost. Sharenting is a term composed of words share and parenting it refers to a growing modern trend of parents posting photographs, videos and information about their children on the Internet. In relation to the aforementioned practice there is a growing number of ethical and moral dilemmas referring mostly on violation of children's rights. The goal of the Thesis is to discover in what way parents expose their children on social networks, whether the children have a say in what their parents are posting on social networks about them and the influence of sharenting on the children. In the empirical part of the Thesis I conducted seven interviews with mom influencers using qualitative methodology. The results of the study show that mom influencers often expose their children on social networks most frequently, the posts are connected to moments from everyday life, special occasions, funny moments, on contents related to family, upbringing and motherhood as well as sponsored posts. In most cases, the children have no say in what their parents post about them this is most frequently related to their age or rather their incapability of perceiving and comprehending the situation. The consequences of sharenting for the child can be related to emotional distress, digital footprint, digital kidnapping and disturbing the child's privacy. Mom influencers are aware of the negative effects of posting information about their children on social networks among some this is shown as critical and self-reflecting relationship to sharenting as they make effort to minimize their child's digital trail, in turn protecting its privacy. |