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Serijski morilec je zvezdnik sedanjega časa. O njem lahko beremo knjige, gledamo filme in serije, na to temo so posneti dokumentarni filmi, kupimo pa lahko tudi več vrst spominkov tako se Ted Bundy danes lahko enači s katerim koli hollywoodskim igralcem. Ker je serijski morilec tako dobro zamaskiran v običajnost, ga je precej težko odkriti, zato dobro izkoristimo vsakega, ki se pojavi. Nadanemo jim grozne in pošastne nadimke, tako družbo prestrašimo in ji sporočimo, da je takšna deviantnost nesprejemljiva in se ne bo tolerirala. S tem skrijemo tudi njihovo vsakdanjost, serijski morilec bi lahko bil kdor koli! Njihove življenjske zgodbe in okrutna dejanja so dobra tema za medijsko produkcijo bolj krvavo, bolj senzacionalistično. Kljub ostudnosti je to nekaj, kar nas fascinira in sili, da gledamo naprej in poskušamo razumeti. Ljudje smo namreč ustvarjeni za to, da poskušamo problematične stvari razumeti in rešiti. Le tako bomo vedeli, kako se pred njimi zaščititi. A serial killer is a modern day celebrity. There are books, movies, series and documentaries made about them, we can even buy various souvenirs Ted Bundy is just as known as any other Hollywood actor. Serial killers mask their normalcy pretty well, which is why it’s hard to track them. The ones that we do track and catch, we put to good use - giving them horrible and frightening nicknames to warn and scare the society in order to inform that this kind of deviancy will not be tolerated in any way. By doing that, we also mask their normalcy and the fact that they're average it could be anyone! Their life stories and terrible crimes are the perfect subject for media production the bloodier, the better and more sensationalist. Despite the crimes being heinous, they're fascinating to us and it makes us watch and try to figure out the ‘why’ behind it. People are made for figuring out and solving problematic issues in our society. It's the only way to finding a way to protect ourselves. |