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Univerzitetno diplomsko delo je plod raziskovanja načinov pravilnega pristopa k učinkoviti umestitvi elektroenergetskega objekta v okolje. Prikazana je odvisnost posameznih parametrov in spremenljivk v procesu grajenja javne podobe ter dejavniki, ki so nujni za uspešen zagon projekta. Razčlenitev posameznih deležnikov nakazuje kompleksnost in pestrost zahtevanega znanja ter potrebnih veščin, ki jih investitor potrebuje, da lahko krmari med vsemi ovirami. Iz primerov slabih praks je jasno razvidno, da so se tovrstni propadi investicij največkrat zgodili zaradi prevelike samozavesti investitorja in podcenjevanja moči množice, nevladnih organizacij (NVO) ter medijev. Tovrstne anomalije lahko odpravi kakovostna strategija s pravilno definirano časovnico in smiselnim komunikacijskim načrtom. Seveda ob predpostavki pravilnega izbora partnerjev, zaveznikov, lobistov, agencije in medijev. Javni interes je le osnova, ne pa zagotovilo za uspešnost projekta. Investitor si mora že v začetni fazi postaviti kakovostno mrežo zaveznikov, ki bodo vplivali na posamezne javnosti. Potrebuje dobro usposobljenega in vplivnega lobista, ki bo osmislil investicijo na najvišji nacionalni, po potrebi tudi internacionalni ravni. Močna podpora s strani države je tudi eden izmed pogojev za bančne garancije in koncesije, ki omogočajo stabilno in konsistentno financiranje projekta. V drugi fazi potrebuje investitor službo odnosov z javnostmi, ki bo skrbela za korporativni ugled podjetja, pravilno izpostavila pomembne in kakovostne govorce ter igrala vlogo veznega člena pri lokalni, strokovni in širši javnosti, pri vplivanju na medije ipd. V tretji fazi pa mora investitor skupaj z agencijo poskrbeti, da bodo posamezne javnosti in organizacije pravilno povzele sporočila, ki bodo prilagojena za vsako izmed njih. Le tako bo integracija procesa lahko uspešna. Iz diplomskega dela je razvidno, da mora investitor s pomočjo strokovnjakov predvidevati in upoštevati čustvene odzive ter stigmo, saj se negativna publiciteta širi veliko hitreje kot pozitivna. Prav tako se v primeru določenih investicij (npr. pridobivanje jedrske energije) pokaže še vpliv preteklih dogodkov, ki so ne glede na časovno oddaljenost še vedno globoko prisotni v človeški podzavesti. Glede nestabilnosti razmer sveta, v katerem živimo, je problematika izvedbe objektov, kjer je donosnost naložbe dolgoročna, še toliko zahtevnejša. Enostavno je nemogoče predvideti vse potencialne dejavnike tveganja. The thesis is a result of research methods and proper approach to the effective placement of power plants in to the environment. It shows the dependence of the individual parameters and variables in the process of building a public image as well as the factors that are essential for the successful launch of a project. Breakdown of individual stakeholders indicates the complexity and diversity of the required knowledge and skills. An investor needs to be able to navigate between all obstacles. From the examples of bad practices, it is clear that this kind of investment failures often occur because investors’ confidence is too high and because of the underestimation of the crowd, the Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the media. Such anomalies can be eliminated with proper and quality strategy, defined timeline and appropriate communication plan. Of course it is also necessary for the investor to choose correct partners, allies, lobbyists, agencies and media. Public interest is a prerequisite, but it's not a guarantee for a successful project. At an early stage, investor needs to create a quality network of allies which will affect individual stakeholders. An investor needs a well-trained and influential lobbyist, who will support and present the purpose of the investment at the highest national and if necessary also international level. Strong support from the state is also one of the conditions for successful bank guarantees and concessions that will allow stable and consistent funding for the project. In the second phase, the investor needs a good Personal relations (PR) Agency, which will be responsible for the corporate reputation of the company in public, for correctly determining the important and high-quality speakers and will play a role as a link with local, professional and general public in influencing the media. In the third phase the investor, together with the marketing Agency, needs to ensure, that the individual stakeholders and public organizations correctly summarize the customised messages. Only that way the integration process will be successful. From the thesis it is evident that the investor, with the help of experts, needs to anticipate and take into account the emotional responses and stigma. The reason is that negative publicity spreads much faster than positive. Also, in the case of specific investments it is shown (e.g. the generation of nuclear energy) that the influence of past events is very important. Regardless of the time and distance some events remain deeply present in the human subconsciousness. Regarding this, the projects with the long-term Return On Investment (ROI) are even more problematic and risky. In today’s world it is simply impossible to predict all potential risk factors. |