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Tako v Evropi kot v svetu postajajo črede krav molznic vse večje. Zaradi vse večjega števila živali na enem mestu ter zaradi potrebe po izboljšanju managementa v velikih čredah, je potreba po senzorski tehnologiji skoraj neizbežna. Senzorje največkrat povežemo z velikimi čredami, vendar so se zaradi nenehnega razvoja senzorskih in drugih pametnih tehnologij, ter posledično cenovne dostopnosti, le-ti razširili tudi na manjše črede. S pomočjo senzorjev in drugih pametnih tehnologij, kot so robotska molža, avtomatski krmilniki, avtomatsko napajanje in krmljenje telet, ter drugimi avtomatskimi postopki lahko učinkovito spremljamo dogajanja v čredi. S pomočjo senzorskih tehnologij lahko v zgodnji fazi odkrivamo določene zdravstvene težave, kot je npr. šepavost, odkrivamo pojatve, zaznamo začetek telitve, prisotnost stresa in še marsikaj drugega. Namen diplomskega dela je opisati in predstaviti nekaj najpogostejših tehnologij in senzorjev, ki jih rejci uporabljajo v čredah krav molznic, prednosti in slabosti teh senzorskih tehnologij ter predstaviti samo delovanje le teh. V diplomski nalogi želimo predstaviti tudi vpliv uporabe senzorjev ter drugih modernih tehnologij na same proizvodne rezultate ter na izboljšanje managementa v čredi krav molznic. As in Europe as in the world, dairy cattle herds are becoming larger and larger. Due to the increasing number of animals in one place and the need to improve management in large herds, the use of sensory technology is almost inevitable. Sensors are usually associated with large herds, but due to the constant development of sensors and other smart technologies, and consequently affordability, they have been extended to the smaller herds. Using sensors and other smart technologies such as robotic milking, automatic concentrate feeder for cows, automatic calf feeder, and other automated procedures, we can effectively monitor the events in the herd. With the help of sensors technologies, we can detect certain health problems at an early stage, such as, for example, laminitis, we detect oestrus or the beginning of calving, the presence of stress, and much more. The purpose of the B. Sc. Thesis is to describe and present some of the most common technologies and sensors used by breeders in dairy herds, the advantages and disadvantages of these sensors technologies, and to present the usage of them. In this B. Sc. Thesis, we want to present the influence of the use of sensors and other modern technologies on the production results themselves and on the improvement of management in the dairy cow herd. |