Vpliv iniciative 17 + 1 na trgovinske odnose med Kitajsko in državami članicami EU Srednje in Vzhodne Evrope

Autor: Rop, Daša
Přispěvatelé: Jaklič, Andreja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Sodelovanje med Kitajsko in državami Srednje in Vzhodne Evrope (SVE) je sprva napovedovalo velike rezultate na vseh področjih, tudi na področju trgovinske izmenjave. Z začetkom delovanja iniciative je na začetku kazalo, da bo Kitajska držala obljube in izboljšala ne zgolj svoje diplomatske odnose z državami SVE, temveč tudi poglobila trgovinske odnose. Sčasoma je postalo jasno, da iniciativa 17 + 1 ne deluje po principu win-win, po katerem bi vsi imeli enake možnosti in rezultate, kot je to sprva obljubljala Kitajska. Na dolgi rok se je izkazalo, da ima največje trgovinske koristi od iniciative 17 + 1 predvsem Kitajska in da ta iniciativa predstavlja njeno sredstvo, da se pokaže kot svetovni akter, ki sodeluje z vsemi različnimi akterji. V luči pandemije se je svetovno gospodarstvo upočasnilo, kar je vplivalo tudi na odnose med Kitajsko in državami SVE. V študiji analiziram tako zgodovinsko ozadje odnosov med Kitajsko in državami SVE kot tudi samo iniciativo 17 + 1. Cilj magistrskega del je ugotoviti, kako je iniciativa 17 + 1 vplivala na obseg trgovinske menjave ter rast uvoza in izvoza med izbranimi 12 državami EU SVE in Kitajsko. V analizi se osredotočim na 12 članic EU SVE, in sicer zaradi primerjave trgovine s Kitajsko na ravni EU ter tudi zaradi dejstva, da so podatki zanje dostopnejši in transparentnejši kot za ostale članice iniciative 17 + 1. Cooperation between China and 12 EU Central and Eastern European (CEE) member states initially predicted great results in all areas, including trade. With the launch of the initiative, at first it seemed as if China would keep its promises and improve not only its diplomatic relations with the CEE countries, but also deepen its trade relations. Eventually, it became clear the 17+1 initiative was not working on a win-win basis, with not everyone having the same opportunities and results as China had originally promised. In the long run, China has proven to enjoy most of the trade benefits of the 17+1 initiative and that China sees the initiative as a way to show itself as a global player work with all types of actors. The pandemic has seen the world economy slowing, which has also affected the relationship between CEE countries and China. In the study, I analyze the historical background of the China–CEE countries relationship, as well as the 17+1 initiative itself. The aim is to determine how the 17+1 initiative has shaped the volume of trade and growth of imports and exports between the 12 selected EU CEE countries and China. The analysis focuses on 12 EU member states of the CEE with a view to comparing trade with China on the EU level, and also because data for them is more accessible and transparent than for other members of the 17+1 initiative.
Databáze: OpenAIRE