Multidisciplinarno sodelovanje v primerih zaščite otrok
Autor: | Čižmek, Špela |
Přispěvatelé: | Leskošek, Vesna |
Jazyk: | slovinština |
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Předmět: |
child protection measures
regijska služba za preprečevanje nasilja v družini domestic violence police center za socialno delo vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove educational institutions policija multidisciplinarni timi multidisciplinary teams regional service for the prevention of domestic violence državno tožilstvo nasilje v družini centre for social work ukrepi za zaščito otrok public prosecutor's office |
Popis: | V diplomski nalogi sem raziskovala multidisciplinarno sodelovanje v primerih zaščite otrok. Za to temo sem se začela podrobneje zanimati med študijsko prakso na centru za socialno delo Brežice, kjer sem se podrobneje seznanila s področjem preprečevanja nasilja v družini in z ukrepi za zaščito otrok. Opazila sem, da je za obravnavo nasilja v družini potrebno sodelovanje različnih strokovnjakov, z različnih institucij in področij. Zanima me, na kakšen način različne institucije sodelujejo v primerih zaščite otrok pred nasiljem, kakšna je njihova vloga v teh postopkih, kako v obravnavo vključujejo otroke, ki so žrtve nasilja in kako ocenjujejo sodelovanje z drugimi. Še posebej sem se osredotočila na multidisciplinarne time in zanimalo me je, kakšna stališča imajo do njih strokovni delavci iz različnih institucij, ki sodelujejo v postopkih zaščite otrok. V teoretičnem delu opredelim pojem družine in nasilja. Zatem predstavim oblike nasilja, opišem odnos do nasilja v družbi, nato pa se osredotočim še na posledice izpostavljenosti nasilju. Sledi poglavje o zakonodaji na področju nasilja nad otroki v Sloveniji, zatem pa predstavim še vlogo multidisciplinarnih timov in centra za socialno delo ter predstavim pristojnost ostalih institucij, ki so ključne pri reševanju problema nasilja v družini. Na koncu pozornost namenim tudi položaju otroka v postopku zaščite. Empirični del vsebuje rezultate raziskave, ki sem jo izvedla med predstavniki institucij, ki sodelujejo v multidisciplinarnih timih. To so predstavniki centra za socialno delo, regijske službe za preprečevanje nasilja v družini, državnega tožilstva, policije in vzgojno-izobraževalnega zavoda. V intervjujih me je zanimalo, kdo po njihovih izkušnjah najpogosteje poda prijavo o nasilju, kako v obravnavo vključujejo otroke in kako jim zagotovijo varen in zaupen prostor, katere ukrepe za zaščito otrok izvedejo, kaj storijo v primerih, ko se nasilje ponovi, kakšno je njihovo mnenje o trenutnem sistemu obravnave žrtev nasilja in kakšne izkušnje imajo z multidisciplinarnimi timi. Ugotovila sem, da se predstavniki pristojnih institucij zavedajo svoje vloge v postopkih zaščite otrok in da so s trenutnim sistemom obravnave žrtev načeloma zadovoljni, si pa vseeno želijo določenih izboljšav, ki bi lahko pripomogle k še večji učinkovitosti sistema. V multidisciplinarnih timih vidijo predvsem prednosti, saj se vsi zavedajo, da sta hitro in usklajeno ukrepanje v primerih nasilja nad otrokom ključnega pomena. Še naprej si želijo krepiti sodelovanje z drugimi institucijami in ga še izboljšati, še posebej z zdravstvom, saj z njihove strani zaznavajo najslabšo udeležbo na multidisciplinarnih timih. Izpostavljajo še, da je vključenost otroka v postopke zaščite zelo pomembna, vendar je potrebno biti ob tem pozoren, da postopki zanj ne pomenijo dodatne travmatizacije. In my diploma thesis I researched multidisciplinary cooperation in child protection cases. I became interested in this topic in more detail during my internship at the Brežice Centre for Social Work, where I became more acquainted with the field of prevention of domestic violence and measures for the protection of children. I have noticed that dealing with domestic violence requires the cooperation of different professionals from different institutions and fields. I am interested in how different institutions work together in cases of protection of children from violence, what is their role in these processes, how they include the treatment of children who are victims of violence and how do they assess cooperation with other institutions. In particular, I focused on multidisciplinary teams and was interested in the views of professionals from various institutions involved in child protection proceedings. In the theoretical part I define the concept of family and violence. I then present the forms of violence, describe the attitude towards violence in society, and then focus on the consequences of exposure to violence. This is followed by a chapter on legislation in the field of violence against children in Slovenia, followed by the role of multidisciplinary teams and the Centre for Social Work and the competence of other institutions that are the key to solving the problem of domestic violence. Finally, I pay attention to the position of the child in the process of protection. The empirical part contains the results of a research I conducted among representatives of institutions participating in multidisciplinary teams. They are representatives of the Centre for Social Work, the regional service for the prevention of domestic violence, the state prosecutor's office, the police and an educational institution. In the interviews, I was interested in who, in their experience, most often reports violence, how they involve children in treatment and how they provide them with a safe and confidential space, what child protection measures they take, what they do in cases of repeated violence, what is their opinion on the current system of dealing with victims of violence and what is their experience with multidisciplinary teams. I found that the representatives of the competent institutions are aware of their role in child protection procedures and that they are generally satisfied with the current victim treatment system, but still want some improvements that could make the system even more effective. They see multidisciplinary teams as the main advantage, as they are all aware that prompt and coordinated action in cases of violence against children is crucial. They want to continue to strengthen cooperation with other institutions and improve it, especially in healthcare, as their participation in multidisciplinary teams is considered the lowest. They also point out that the involvement of the child in protection procedures is very important, but it is necessary to be careful that the procedures do not mean additional traumatization. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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