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V delu smo obravnavali razvoj procesnih sistemov za 3D tiskanje farmacevtskih in biofarmacevtskih učinkovin. Predstavili smo razvojne smeri ter prednosti in slabosti 2D in 3D tiska farmacevtski učinkovin. Obravnavana tehnologija 3D tiska omogoča prehod iz masovne proizvodnje tablet v individualno proizvodnjo, ki zajema nanašanje ustrezne kombinacije in vrstnega reda nanosa zdravilnih učinkovin na posameznemu pacientu namenjeno tableto ter tako ključno vpliva na zmanjšanje neželenih stranskih učinkov. Na osnovi obravnavanega prenosa snovi v procesnih sistemih za 3D tisk smo opredelili možnosti nadgradnje laboratorijskega eksperimentalnega izvajanja filmskega oblaganja tablet, ki bi zajemale prednosti 3D tiska tablet. This work discusses the development of process systems for 3D printing of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical active ingredients. The development directions, along with advantages and disadvantages of 2D and 3D printing of such ingredients are presented. The discussed 3D printing technology enables the transition from mass production of tablets to individual production, which includes the application of the appropriate combination and order of active ingredients on an individual tablet, intended for a specific patient, and thus has a key impact on reducing side effects. Based on the considered mass transfer in process systems for 3D printing, we defined the possibilities of upgrading the laboratory experimental film coating of tablets, which include the advantages of 3D printing. |