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Pri snovanju novih letal je potrebno vse sklope pred implementacijo v letalo testirati v vseh režimih letenja, ki jih bo kasneje plovilo oziroma njegovi sklopi doživljali med letenjem. V diplomski nalogi je zasnovano preizkuševališče za izbrane propelerje. Na njem testiramo potisk propelerja in žiroskopske sile, ki nastanejo ob zasuku propelerja okrog osi, pravokotne na os vrtenja propelerja. Zasnova je nastala na podlagi že znanih podatkov in karakteristik propelerja ter zahtev, določenih za preizkuševališče. Rezultati zasnove preizkuševališča so predstavljeni tako, da bi lahko brez dodatnih poznavanj primera preizkuševališče nadgradili za dodatna testiranja in ga prilagodili dodatnim propelerjem. Po naših ugotovitvah je največ pozornosti potrebno nameniti zagotavljanju varnosti tako z vidika predpisov kot tudi z vidika vseh udeleženih v procesu testiranja. When designing new aircraft in aviation, all components must be tested, before they are implemented in the aircraft, in all flight regimes, that the aircraft or its components will later experience during flight. In a diploma thesis, a test facility for certain propellers is designed. On the test site we test the thrust of the propeller and the gyroscopic forces that occur when the propeller rotates around the axis, which is perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the propeller. The design was based on the already known data and characteristics of the propellers and certain requirements for the test site itself. Results of the design of the testing facility are presented so that without additional knowledge of the case the test stand could be upgraded for additional testing and adapted for additional propellers. According to our findings, the most attention is needed to ensure safety both from the point of view of regulations and of all participants in the testing process. |