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Osrednja tema pričujočega diplomskega dela je prenos štirih avstralskih romanov na filmska platna, oziroma njihove adaptacije. Natančneje gre za naslednje romane: Piknik pri Hanging Rocku, pisateljice Joan Lindsay, V središču viharja, Nobelovega nagrajenca Patricka Whita, Oscar in Lucinda, dvakratnega Bookerjevega nagrajenca Petra Careyja ter Moja sijajna kariera pisateljice Miles Franklin. V procesu snemanja filma po knjižni predlogi lahko med njima nastane precej razlik. Nekateri deli romana (npr. vsebina in liki) so v filmu spremenjeni, okrnjeni ali dodani. Diplomsko delo pobližje predstavi avstralsko književnost ter film, naredi kratek pregled tipologij adaptacij, ključni del pa predstavlja analiza romanov in njihovih filmskih adaptacij. Ugotovljene razlike in podobnosti ne vplivajo na kakovost filmske priredbe in dokaj zvesto podajajo vsebino romana v filmski obliki. The central subject of the present thesis is the adaptation of four australian novels into film. Specifically it is about following novels: Picnic at Hanging Rock, of australian author Joan Lindsay, The eye of the storm of Nobel laureate Patrick White and Oscar and Lucinda of Peter Carey, who has won the Booker prize twice and My brilliant career written by Miles Franklin. During the process of making a film based on a novel, many changes appear. Parts of the novel like characters and subplots, are sometimes changed, subtracted or added. The thesis in more details discusses australian literature and film, typologies of adaptations, the key part in thesis discusses analysis of novels and their movie adaptations. The established differences and similarities do not affect the quality of the adaptation and the film relatively faithfully transfers the story in a different form. |