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Diplomsko delo obravnava tlačne izgube, ki se pojavljajo pri pretakanju hidravlične kapljevine skozi vse sestavine sistema od rezervoarja preko sesalnega voda črpalke po celotni hidravlični poti in po povratnem vodu nazaj do rezervoarja. V diplomskem delu smo se posvetili hidravličnemu preračunu tlačnih razmer, ki smo jih kot rezultat prikazali z diagrami tlačnih izgub sistema v odvisnosti od poti hidravlične kapljevine. Rezultate smo ovrednotili z višino sistemskega tlaka in jih po posameznih sklopih primerjali z izračunanimi rezultati za različne vhodne parametre. Na podlagi predstavljenih rezultatov smo podali še predloge izboljšav. The diploma thesis deals with pressure losses occurring when the hydraulic fluid flows through all the components of the system from the tank through the suction line of the pump along the entire hydraulic path and through the return line back to the tank. In the diploma thesis we devoted ourselves to the hydraulic calculations of the pressure conditions which, as a result, were shown by the diagrams of the pressure losses of the system in dependence on the path of the hydraulic fluid. The results were evaluated with the height of the systemic pressure and compared them with the calculated results for different input parameters. On the basis of the presented results, we have also submitted suggestions for improvements. |