Kritična presoja kaznivega dejanja dvojne zakonske zveze - problematika preširoko zastavljene biti ter druge, s tem povezane anomalije

Autor: Kilar Pahernik, Domen Vajkard
Přispěvatelé: Korošec, Damjan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Pričujoče magistrsko diplomsko delo predstavlja kritično oceno kaznivega dejanja dvojne zakonske zveze, kakor ga ureja slovenska kazenska zakonodaja. Avtor analizira pravno normo in ob tem prepoznava njene pomanjkljivosti, tako nomotehnične kot tudi vsebinske narave. Posveti se težavam pri identificiranju pravne dobrine, ki naj bi jo inkriminacija varovala, premajhni jasnosti zakonskega besedila, ki pride do izraza zlasti v situacijah z mednarodnim elementom, ter dvomu v legitimnost inkriminacije. Avtor predstavi različne poglede, ki se v teoriji pojavljajo glede pravne dobrine, ter jih kritično ovrednoti. Nadalje se posveti analizi teoretičnih konstruktov poligamnih zakonskih zvez z mednarodnim elementom, ter na podlagi tega postavi tezo o nacionalni omejenosti kazenskopravne dobrine, ki sicer iz samega zakonskega besedila ni zadostno razvidna. Na podlagi vsega ugotovljenega avtor ovrednoti tudi legitimnost inkriminacije z uporabo meril, ki so se za ta namen razvili v domači in tuji kazenskopravni teoriji in sodni praksi. Končni del magistrskega diplomskega dela obsega avtorjeve konkretne predloge spremembe inkriminacije, do katerih je prišel preko svojih ugotovitev. The present master's thesis is a critical assessment of the criminal offence of bigamy in the Slovenian Criminal code. The author analyses the legal norm and identifies its weaknesses, both nomotechnical and substantive. He addresses the difficulties in identifying the legal good that the incrimination is supposed to protect, the lack of clarity of the legal text, which is especially evident in situations with a foreign element, and the doubt about the legitimacy of the incrimination. The author presents the various views that emerge in theory regarding the legal good and critically evaluates them. He further focuses on the analysis of theoretical constructs of polygamous marriages with a foreign element, and on this basis puts forward a thesis on the national limitation of the criminal good, which is otherwise not sufficiently evident from the legal text itself. Based on all the above, the author also evaluates the legitimacy of the incrimination using the criteria that have been developed for this purpose in domestic and foreign criminal law theory and case law. The final part of the master's thesis contains the author's concrete proposals for changing the legal norm, which he came to through his findings.
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