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Zaradi zahtevnosti gradnje poslovno stanovanjskega objekta Šumi je bilo potrebno v okolici gradbene jame razviti lokalno nivelmansko mrežo, ki predstavlja osnovo za vse nadaljnje meritve in analize morebitnega posedanja sosednjih objektov med gradnjo. V sklopu diplomske naloge smo nivelmansko mrežo izmerili po metodi geometričnega nivelmana. Upoštevali smo popravke temperature, metra para nivelmanskih lat in razlike pete lat. Med izmero je bilo potrebno poskrbeti za nadštevilne meritve in jih nato izravnati. Nadštevilne meritve smo izravnali na različne načine, rezultate primerjali med seboj in tako določiti optimalno geometrijo nivelmanske mreže. Due to the complexity of the construction of commercial residential building Šumi, it was necessary to develop a local levelling network in the vicinity of the construction pit, which will be the basis for all further measurements and analyzes of possible subsidence of adjacent structures during construction. As part of the diploma thesis, the levelling network was measured by the geometric leveling method and the necessary reductions were made. We took into account temperature corrections, meters of a pair of levelling staffs and differences in the basis of staffs. During the field measurement, we had to make numerous measurements, which were later adjusted by the least squares adjustment method. Numerous measurements were levelled in different ways, the results were compared with one another to determine the optimal geometry of the levelling grid. |