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Afganistan se je v svoji zgodovini večkrat znašel v igri velesil, ki so se na območju države borile za svoje interese. Sprva so na območju Afganistana potekala soočenja med Britanskim in Ruskim imperijem. To stanje napetosti so zgodovinarji poimenovali Velika igra. Le šestdeset let pozneje je Afganistan spet postal pomemben akter v novem stanju napetosti – v hladni vojni med ZDA in Sovjetsko zvezo. V zadnjih dvajsetih letih so v Afganistanu kot velesila najbolj prisotne ZDA. Območje Afganistana je velesilam zanimivo zaradi strateške lege in naravnih virov. Ključen dogodek v zgodovini države je bila vojna s Sovjetsko zvezo, saj je bil to zaključni spor v hladni vojni. Sovjetske nasprotnike, mudžahide so z orožjem in komunikacijsko tehnologijo podprli Američani. Poraz sovjetske vojske je pripeljal do spremenjenih družbenih razmer v Sovjetski vojski in do njenega razpada. Ena izmed posledic konca hladne vojne je lažja dostopnost novih materialov za proučevanje mednarodnih odnosov velesil. Kar nekaj novih informacij je postalo dostopnih iz arhivov Sovjetske zveze. Ti materiali so močno vplivali na diskurz o hladni vojni družboslovcev in zgodovinarjev. In its history Afghanistan has often been a part in international superpowers game for securing their interests. First the British and Russian empire had their diplomatic and political confrontations in the region of Afghanistan. Historians named these confrontations Great Game. Only sixty years later Afghanistan happened to be an important factor in the new state of international tension named Cold War between USA and Soviet Union. In the last twenty years only major superpower that has been present in Afghanistan is USA. The region of Afghanistan is interesting from international viewpoint because of its strategic position and rich natural resources. The key moment in the history of the country is the war with Soviet Union, because that was a final battle in the Cold War. Soviet’s enemies, the Mujahedeen, were supported by USA with weapons and communication technology. The defeat of Soviet Union let to changed social circumstances in the country which led to the fall of Soviet Union. One of the consequences of the end of the Cold War is easier accessibility to the new materials to study international relations of superpowers. Quite a bit of new information is now available from archives of the Soviet Union. Those materials changed the way social scientists and historians discuss the Cold War. |