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V diplomskem delu raziščemo medsebojne vplive sobivanja naprav različnih Wi-Fi generacij. Najprej se seznanimo s teoretičnimi lastnostmi različnih Wi-Fi standardov in načinom, kako ti sobivajo med seboj. Nato povzamemo bistvene lastnosti standarda Bluetooth in medsebojnega vpliva med Bluetooth in Wi-Fi prenosi. V nadaljevanju zasnujemo dve postavitvi brezžičnega omrežja, in sicer na krajši razdalji, kjer se vse naprave nahajajo v istem prostoru, ter na daljši razdalji, kjer so naprave razporejene v različne prostore v etaži stanovanjske hiše. Nato na danih napravah opravimo vrsto meritev, katerih cilj je spoznati v kakšni meri delujejo posamezni negativni učinki, kot so oddaljenost med napravami, Bluetooth prenos in različni Wi-Fi standardi na prenosno hitrost v Wi-Fi omrežju. Na koncu se osredotočimo na rezultate meritev in z njihovo pomočjo izberemo bistvene dejavnike, ki pripomorejo k padcu zmogljivosti Wi-Fi omrežja. In this thesis we investigate coexistence interactions of devices from different Wi-Fi generations. First, we learn about the teoretical properties of various Wi-Fi standards and the way how they coexist with each other. Then sumarize the essential features of the standard Bluetooth and interactions between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi transmissions. Then we design the installation of two wireless networks at the shorter distance, where all the devices located in the same room, and at the long distance, where devices are arranged in different rooms in the same floor of the house. Then we make a series of measurements on those devices. The goal is to realize the extent of negative effects such as distance between devices, Bluetooth transfer and various Wi-Fi standards on the transmission speed of the Wi-Fi network. In the end, we focus on the results and use them to select main factors which contribute to decrease performance of Wi-Fi network . |