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V diplomski nalogi sem v prvem delu opisal projektno dokumentacijo za gradnjo in vzdrževanje železniških prog v Sloveniji, v drugem delu pa sem bolj podrobno pisal o projektni dokumentaciji za vzdrževalna dela v javno korist. Predstavil sem osnove za izdelavo projektne dokumentacije, njeno vsebino in del projektne dokumentacije predstavil na konkretnem projektu. Zajel in definiral sem tudi pojme, ki se uporabljajo v okviru vzdrževanja železniških prog, ter prek shem opisal, kako se v sklopu različnih zakonov in pravilnikov pojmi, pomembni pri vzdrževanju, spreminjajo skozi leta. Predstavil sem tudi probleme, ki se lahko pojavljajo pri različnem tolmačenju teh pojmov v slovenskih in evropskih predpisih. In the first part of my thesis I described in general the design documentation for construction and maintenance of railway lines in Slovenia. In the second part I wrote more in detail about design documentation for maintenance works to the public interest. I introduced the basics for making the design documentation, its contents and part of the design documentation on a specific project. I scooped and defined the terms, which are used in the context of the maintenance work of railway lines and using different schemes described how these terms have changed through the years in connection with different laws and regultions. I also pointed out some of the problems, which can appear because of different interpretations of these terms in Slovenian and European regulations. |