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V diplomski nalogi analiziramo in projektiramo nosilno konstrukcijo večstanovanjske stavbe v Logatcu, zgrajene v letu 2008. Armiranobetonska nosilna konstrukcija je sestavljena iz sten, sten z odprtinami in stenastih nosilcev, ki jih medsebojno povezujejo medetažne polne plošče. Nosilno konstrukcijo projektiramo skladno s standardi Evrokod. Pri tem upoštevamo vplive, ki na konstrukcijo delujejo kot lastna in stalna teža, koristna obtežba, obtežba snega, vetra in potresna obtežba. Pri projektiranju se podrobneje posvetimo le nekaterim značilnim nosilnim elementom. Analizo opravimo s pomočjo idealiziranih računskih modelov, izdelanih v komercialnih programskih orodjih SAFE (medetažna plošča), ETABS (vertikalni nosilni elementi) in SAP (stenasti nosilec). Dimenzioniranje nosilnih elementov izvajamo v skladu z metodo mejnih stanj, pri projektiranju vertikalnih nosilnih elementov pa upoštevamo tudi metodo načrtovanja nosilnosti. Količino izračunane potrebne armature v obravnavanih nosilnih elementih primerjamo s količino vgrajene armature, ki je bila določena na podlagi starih jugoslovanskih predpisov PBAB. Ugotovimo, da je odstopanje med količino potrebne in vgrajene armature v medetažni plošči predvsem posledica natančnosti uporabljenih računskih modelov in različne stopnje vpetja robov plošče v stene. Tudi v obravnavanem stenastem nosilcu vgrajena količina armature odstopa od računsko potrebne armature, določene po Evrokodih. Razlog tiči v enostavnejšem računskem modelu nosilca, ki je bil uporabljen v obstoječi projektni dokumentaciji. Ugotovimo, da je v splošnem vgrajene več armature kot je računsko potrebna po Evrokodih, ni pa vgrajene diagonalne armature na stiku nosilca s steno, ki poteka v prečni smeri. V obravnavani steni brez odprtin je količina vgrajene armature večja od računsko potrebne, ki jo določimo skladno s standardi Evrokod. Nekoliko večje razlike med količinami armatur pa se pojavijo pri obravnavani steni z odprtinami. V delu stene med prečkami je vgrajene manj vertikalne armature, kot smo jo izračunali v skladu z Evrokodi. Tudi količina vgrajene strižne armature v prečki je manjša od tiste, ki smo jo določili v skladu z zahtevami iz Evrokoda. Rezultate projektiranja in dimenzioniranja obravnavanih nosilnih elementov prikazujemo v armaturnih načrtih v dodatku k diplomski nalogi. This thesis presents the design and static analysis of the load-bearing construction, built in 2008 as a part of the multi-residential building. Load-bearing construction is made out of reinforced concrete and consists of walls, walls with openings and deep beams which interconnect with the monolith horizontal plates. The design is carried out in accordance with the current Eurocode standards. The impacts, which affect the building as self-load and permanent loads, imposed loads, snow and wind loads and also seismic effects, are taken into account. When designing the load-bearing construction the focus is on analysis of typical load-bearing elements. Analysis is based on idealized computer models made in commercial programs SAFE (horizontal plate), ETABS (vertical load-bearing elements) and SAP (deep beam). The design of load bearing elements is done by the limit states method. Vertical load-bearing elements were however additionally designed in accordance with capacity design method. The purpose of the thesis is to compare the amount of reinforcement established in accordance with the Eurocode standards with the built-in reinforcement established under the old Yugoslav regulations PBAB. The comparison in the ceiling plate indicates that the deviation in the amount of the necessary and built-in reinforcement is due to differences in the accuracy of computational models. Deviations between built-in and necessary reinforcements in the deep beam are also consequences of a more accurate model used in the thesis. On that account, the amount of built-in reinforcement exceeds the amount of reinforcement established under Eurocodes however the diagonal hanging reinforcement required in the juncture of transverse wall and deep beam is not built-in. The amount of reinforcement embedded in the wall without openings exceeds the amount of reinforcement defined under Eurocodes. When comparing vertical reinforcement in the wall between beams, we discover that less reinforcement is built-in than required by Eurocodes. Also, the amount of built-in shear reinforcement in the specified beam is smaller than amount calculated in the thesis. Analysis and design results are presented in the reinforcement drawings enclosed at the end of the thesis. |