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Zaključna naloga obravnava razvoj zalivalnega sistema za rastlinjake v katerih gojimo rastline na policah v vrečah s substratom. Razvojni proces se prične s teoretičnimi osnovami, kjer predstavimo tehnični proces in funkcije obravnavanega problema. V drugem delu z morfološko matriko razvijemo koncepte rešitev. Iz množice rešitev nato z metodami za odločanje izberemo zmagovalno rešitev. V tretjem delu sprva izvedemo preračun kotalnega trenja pri gibanju podpornega kolesa zalivalne rampe. Nato izvedemo trdnostni preračun nosilca in zvarnih spojev rampe. Na koncu pa izvedemo še upogibni izračun nosilca rampe. Razvojni proces se konča z določitvijo materialov sestavnih delov zalivalne rampe. The thesis deals with the development of a greenhouse irrigation system for growing plants on shelves in bags with substrate. The development process begins with the theoretical basics, where the technical process and the functions of the problem addressed are presented. Furthermore, a concept of the solution is developed applying the morphological matrix. Then the best solution is selected, using the decision making methods such as VDI-2225 and AHP. In the third part, the calculation of the rolling resistance of the irrigation ramp's supporting wheel is performed first. This is followed by the strength calculation of the ramp's beam and weld joints. Finally, the bending calculation of the ramp's beam is conducted. The development process ends with the determination of the materials to be used for the irrigation system components. |