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Naloga prikazuje koncept avtomatiziranega vstavljanja cevnih izdelkov (diastata) v več-čeljustno orodje stroja, s pomočjo robotske roke in na novo razvitega in izdelanega prilagodljivega robotskega prijemala. Na ta način smo ročno vstavljanje diastatov nadomestili z avtomatiziranim. Prvi del naloge podrobneje opiše problematiko vstavljanja diastatov v čeljusti orodja in podaja možne rešitve za robotsko vstavljanje valjastih izdelkov v luknjo, ki ni vedno poravnana z izdelkom. V drugem delu naloge smo s 3D programom zmodelirali več konceptov prijemala, ki se samodejno prilagajajo luknji s pomočjo konusa, ter jih tudi fizično izdelali in preizkusili njihovo delovanje. Koncepte smo ovrednotili in podali oceno ustreznosti. Zadnji del naloge zajema testiranje prototipa prilagodljivega prijemala z izbranim konceptom ter podaja možne izboljšave. This work demonstrates the concept of automated insertion of tubular products (diastats) into a multi-jaw machine tool with the help of a robotic arm and a newly developed and manufactured flexible robotic gripper. With this, we replaced the manual method of inserting diastats with an automated one. The first part of this paper describes in detail the problem of inserting diastats into the jaws of the machine and gives possible solutions for the robotic insertion of cylindrical products into a hole that is not always aligned with the product. In the second part of the task, we used a 3D modeling program to model several concepts of gripper mechanisms that automatically adjust to the hole with the help of a cone. We also physically made each concept and tested their function. We evaluated the concepts and gave an evaluation of their relevance. The last part of this paper includes testing the prototype of the flexible gripper with the selected concept and gives possible improvements. |